J. Edgar Hoover on the FBI | Leadership, Reforms & Legacy (2024)

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1924 to 1972, is remembered for transforming the “Bureau” into a professional and effective investigative police force but also for using its power against those seen as political subversives. In an article on the FBI first published in 1956 in the 14th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, Hoover chronicled its different achievements under his leadership, from its pursuit of John Dillinger and other famous American gangsters to its efforts to prevent the infiltration of the federal government by “persons whose loyalty was subject to question,” notably suspected communists. For the 1961 version of the article, reproduced in full below, Hoover updated the statistics in his account of the FBI’s accomplishments. He was also the author of the article on fingerprints in the 14th edition, proof of his personal investment in leveraging science and technology in the service of policing.


Established in 1908 as the investigative arm of the U.S. department of justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a fact-finding agency which does not evaluate the results of its investigations or recommend prosecutive action. In general, it is responsible for the enforcement of all federal criminal statutes except those specifically delegated to other federal agencies. In 1958 there were approximately 140 federal matters over which it had investigative jurisdiction. The two primary areas of FBI activity are general investigations and security operations. Within the latter field, it has jurisdiction over espionage, sabotage and subversive activities on a nation-wide scale.

In addition to investigating violations of laws of the United States, the FBI is charged with collecting evidence in cases in which the United States is or may be a party in interest and with other duties imposed by law. It reports the results of its investigation to the attorney general, chief legal officer of the United States, his assistants and the various U.S. attorneys in federal districts throughout the United States for decisions as to prosecutive action. The FBI is also a service agency which assists law enforcement agencies in identification, technical and training matters.


Originally known as the Bureau of Investigation, the FBI was created by the then attorney general Charles J. Bonaparte on July 26, 1908. The internationally known name, Federal Bureau of Investigation, was adopted on July 1, 1935.

In 1924 John Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the bureau by Harlan Fiske Stone, then attorney general, and he was reappointed by each succeeding head of the department of justice. Hoover inaugurated the policies which constitute the foundation of the present organization. Political considerations were divorced from personnel appointments, and promotions were placed on a merit basis.

Less than a decade after this reorganization, the FBI was faced with enlarged responsibilities. A wave of lawlessness in the early 1930s aroused considerable public concern. Local police officers, often inadequately trained and hampered by the restrictions imposed by state boundaries, were unable to cope effectively with the modern weapons and transportation available to organized criminal gangs. To meet this situation, congress passed a number of laws which extended the jurisdiction of the FBI. In 1932 the federal kidnapping statute was enacted, making unlawful the interstate transportation of a kidnapped person. All kidnapping cases referred to the FBI the following year were solved. The federal Bank Robbery act was passed in 1934 to stem the rising tide of bank robberies. Again in 1934, special agents of the FBI were authorized by congress to carry firearms and to make arrests. With the passage of these and other crime bills, the FBI was given authority to act against the criminal gangs which previously had met little effective opposition. In 1934 alone, three vicious fugitives who had gained national notoriety were killed. John Dillinger, Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy) Floyd and Lester Gillis, alias “Baby Face” Nelson, met death while resisting arrest. In 1935 Russell Gibson and Kate and Fred Barker fell before the guns of special agents. The arrest of Alvin Karpis by Hoover in 1936 marked the end of the powerful Barker-Karpis gang, while Alfred James Brady and an accomplice were killed in a gun battle with FBI agents in 1937. Numerous other kidnappers, bank robbers and lesser criminals were sent to federal penitentiaries during this period.

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The war on crime was not halted but was overshadowed as the international developments leading to World War II placed additional responsibilities on the FBI. During this period, federal statutes relating to subversive activities were the basis for counteraction by the bureau against intelligence operations of foreign powers. Several espionage agents were arrested before the outbreak of hostilities in Europe. On Sept. 6, 1939, a presidential directive was issued providing that the FBI should take charge of investigative work in matters relating to espionage, sabotage, subversive activities and related matters. The president also called upon all enforcement officers, both federal and state, to report all information in these fields promptly to the FBI, which was charged with the responsibility of correlating this material and referring matters under the jurisdiction of any other federal agency with responsibilities in this field to the appropriate agency. The FBI’s responsibility in these matters was reiterated by presidential directives of Jan. 8, 1943, and July 24, 1950. By agreement, the armed forces handle investigations concerning their uniformed personnel. This action by the president obviated the confusion experienced in World War I when more than 20 agencies investigated security in the United States.

The scientific techniques which had been developed by the FBI in its war against organized gangsterism were employed to thwart the spy and the saboteur. In June 1941 the FBI climaxed its investigation of a Nazi espionage ring in New York city with the arrest of 33 persons. All pleaded guilty or were convicted in federal court.

An effective pan-American intelligence force was created under the bureau’s leadership to oppose the activities of Axis spy and sabotage rings in the western hemisphere. From July 1, 1940, through June 30, 1946, more than 15,000 Axis operators and sympathizers in South America were expelled, interned or rendered harmless. More than 460 spies, saboteurs and propaganda agents were apprehended, and 30 secret radio transmitters were eliminated.

In 1939 the FBI undertook a program of surveying industrial plants engaged in the manufacture of strategic war material. Before it had concluded its responsibility in this program, more than 2,300 plants had been surveyed and recommendations made for their protection. In the period preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor new field offices were opened in the continental United States and its territorial possessions. Additional personnel was trained by the FBI to investigate the flood of complaints regarding suspicious activities which citizens were encouraged to report, and its rolls of clerical and investigative employees reached an allotted peak of 14,300.

A mass of intelligence information had been accumulated by Dec. 7, 1941, when Japan attacked at Pearl Harbor. By the following day, 1,771 potentially dangerous enemy aliens had been arrested and detained. As formal declarations of war were made, German and Italian aliens, known or suspected to be dangerous, were arrested. In all, more than 16,000 such apprehensions were made by the FBI with the assistance of local law enforcement authorities in an orderly manner and in marked contrast with the disorganized vigilante activities of World War I. Precautions against espionage and sabotage were increased.

In 1942 eight saboteurs, landed by submarine from Germany, were quickly taken into custody. German plans to send such groups to the United States every six weeks were thwarted. Two additional saboteurs were dispatched by Germany in 1944 and were quickly apprehended. The normal channels for enemy agents to enter the country were closed, and spies were then sent to the United States as refugees. Spies intercepted by the FBI often became double agents, identifying other espionage agents and transmitting misleading information to their principals.

After the war the nation found itself confronted with a crime wave of serious proportions. In 1945 major crimes increased 12.3% over 1944. Crime in 1946 continued its upward trend, increasing 7.6% over 1945. The war-born scarcity of consumer goods created a lucrative market for stolen merchandise and contributed to the reactivation of old criminal gangs. The finely geared machinery of the FBI was able to face this condition without pause.

During the postwar period there was increased public concern in matters relating to Communism and the infiltration of government and essential industry by persons whose loyalty was subject to question. On Aug. 1, 1946, congress passed the Atomic Energy act, charging the FBI with the responsibility of determining the character, associations and loyalty of employees of the Atomic Energy commission and of all persons having access to restricted atomic energy data. Following the issuance by the president on March 21, 1947, of executive order 9835, the FBI was given the duty of investigations concerning the loyalty of employees and applicants for positions in the executive branch of the federal government. The result was to increase greatly the investigative work of the FBI.

On April 5, 1952, congress transferred responsibility for the bulk of applicant-type investigations to the United States civil service commission, and provided that the FBI should handle those cases where information indicated questionable loyalty or where the position involved was sensitive and important.

On July 20, 1948, 12 leaders of the Communist party were indicted under the Smith act as members of a conspiracy teaching and advocating the overthrow of the constitutional form of government of the United States by force and violence. Following the trial and conviction of 11 of these leaders, the FBI arrested other Communist officials. Other investigations by the FBI in the security field developed evidence of plots to transmit government secrets and information relating to atomic energy and other secret projects to foreign nations. It scrutinized even more closely organizations which advocated policies not in keeping with the United States’ constitutional form of government.


The effectiveness of FBI operations is indicated by the statistics reflecting its accomplishments through the years. In the five-year period which ended June 30, 1952, 34,629 fugitives had been located in cases investigated by the FBI. Fines, savings and recoveries in bureau cases totalled more than $227,400,000, and there were 44,746 convictions in cases which were presented in court during that five-year period.

The close of the 1952 fiscal year brought to 438 the number of cases investigated by the FBI under the federal kidnapping statute. Of these, 436 were solved. In the 1952 fiscal year alone there were 156 convictions in bank robbery cases investigated by the FBI. These convictions resulted in sentences totaling 1,533 years and fines and recoveries amounting to $253,369.

Six years later, during the 1958 fiscal year, convictions in cases investigated by the FBI rose to 11,457, resulting in sentences totaling more than 30,000 years and fines totaling more than $1,666,000. Also more than 9,000 fugitives were apprehended and recoveries resulting from FBI investigations totaled more than $130,000,000, including 16,500 stolen automobiles. Not shown in statistical data, however, are the accomplishments of the FBI in the area of security and counterespionage investigations.

J. Edgar Hoover on the FBI | Leadership, Reforms & Legacy (2024)


Who was J. Edgar Hoover summary? ›

Edgar Hoover was a United States government official who served as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1924 until his death in 1972. He built the agency into a highly effective, and occasionally controversial, arm of federal law enforcement.

What was the FBI from the perspective of J. Edgar Hoover prior to 1924? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The FBI from the perspective of J. Edgar Hoover prior to 1924 was that there was the abuse of power, the agency was failing to handle organized crime, influence of the FBI on state and local cases which is not suppose to be.

What did J. Edgar Hoover do to the Black Panthers? ›

On June 15, 1969, J. Edgar Hoover declared, "the Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country"; he pledged that 1969 would be the last year of the Party's existence.

When did J. Edgar Hoover resign from the FBI? ›

After 11 years in the post, Hoover became instrumental in founding the FBI in June 1935, where he remained as director for an additional 37 years until his death in May 1972 – serving a total of 48 years leading both the BOI and the FBI and under eight Presidents. Washington, D.C., U.S.

What impact did J. Edgar Hoover have? ›

As director of the FBI for several decades, J. Edgar Hoover helped build a massive, professionalized national security state and hounded leftists out of public life. In doing so, he profoundly shaped the course of US history.

Who created the FBI and why? ›

On July 26, 1908, Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte appointed an unnamed force of special agents to be the investigative force of the Department of Justice. The FBI evolved from this small group.

What was J. Edgar Hoover accused of? ›

Congressional investigators disclosed that Hoover had often abused his powers: committing burglaries, spying illegally on U.S. citizens, and persecuting those who opposed his agency.

How old was J. Edgar Hoover when he took over the FBI? ›

On May 10, 1924, Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed the 29-year-old Hoover acting director of the Bureau, and by the end of the year Mr. Hoover was named Director. As Director, Mr. Hoover put into effect a number of institutional changes to correct criticisms made of his predecessor's administration.

What was the FBI originally called? ›

Wickersham, gave this band of agents their first name—the Bureau of Investigation. It stuck. During its first 15 years, the Bureau was a shadow of its future self.

What did J. Edgar Hoover do for the FBI? ›

During his historic tenure, Director Hoover implemented numerous programs to enhance and improve law enforcement training. He also made great strides in recruiting for the FBI and expanded the use of forensic analysis in federal, state, and local law enforcement investigations.

What role did J Edgar Hoover play? ›

The J. Edgar Hoover's Role, the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), during the second Red Scare was an influential one. In response to the question, his role is closely related to option C, collecting information on government workers' political views and using it against them.

Who was the man that betrayed the Black Panthers? ›

William O'Neal (April 9, 1949 – January 15, 1990) was an American FBI informant in Chicago, Illinois, where he infiltrated the local Black Panther Party (BPP). He is known for being the catalyst for the 1969 police/FBI assassination of Fred Hampton, head of the Illinois BPP.

Who replaced Hoover at the FBI? ›

In 1973, Gray was nominated as Hoover's permanent successor as head of the FBI. This action by President Nixon confounded many, coming at a time when revelations of involvement by Nixon administration officials in the Watergate scandal were coming to the forefront.

Who appointed J. Edgar Hoover to the FBI? ›

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge appointed him head of the Bureau of Investigation, a position Hoover had long coveted. It was in this position that he finally received the power he craved. Hoover inherited the Bureau just after it had been severely tainted with scandal from previous administrations.

Who is the most famous FBI agent? ›

Edgar Hoover. Hoover was the first director of the FBI and served in the position for 48 years, making him the longest-serving director in FBI history. He was known for his controversial tactics and his efforts to combat organized crime.

What is Edgar Hoover known for? ›

Five decades after his death, J. Edgar Hoover still haunts the FBI. His nearly 48-year reign as its director, from 1924 to 1972, has come to symbolize the dangers of a stealth domestic police-and-intelligence agency in an open society.

Who was J. Edgar Hoover and what is he known for quizlet? ›

John Edgar Hoover, formally known as J. Edgar Hoover, was a lawyer, an anti-communist G-man, and eventually, the sixth director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

What is the best biography of J. Edgar Hoover? ›

Beverly Gage's 'G-Man' is a brilliant account of the life and controversial career of the longtime FBI director.

What president created the FBI? ›

The FBI was started in 1908.

See the historical timeline below to learn more about important dates in FBI History. 1908: At the request of President Theodore Roosevelt, an investigative branch of the Department of Justice was created.


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