Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (2024)


859 reviews3,959 followers

October 16, 2014

4 stars. Review posted October 16, 2014

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (2)

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (3)

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (4)

When Christopher (Kit) Holmes, a thirty-nine-year-old author of numerous award-winning mysteries, was on his way to visit a remote writers retreat in California wine country, the horrible weather should have been warning enough for what had yet to come. After abandoning his car, he's compelled to hike his way to the Blue Heron Lodge and, unfortunately, finds the body of a very dead woman.

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (5)

As it turned out, she was supposed to attend the mystery writer's conference, too. It's the beginning of Christopher's nightmare. To make matters worse, his former (one-time) lover, J.X. Moriarity, ex-cop and fellow writer, is also an attendee.

I can understand suffering for one's art--but dying? Not really my style.

Christopher's style is more about solving murder mysteries.

The pool of suspects is rather vast; a lot of people seem to have a motive to murder and even Christopher is not immune to putting himself in compromising situations. I know I should feel bad admitting this but…reading a murder mystery series has never been that much fun before! I mean murder doesn't usually equal fun. Yet instead of biting my nails off or feeling sorry for the protagonists during a creepy situation, I was ready to chuckle at any given opportunity. Fact was, Kit cracked me up again and again. I've had two main suspects and as it turned out, one of them was the murderer. However, the author threw me off track during the interlude and that confused me a bit. That's why I had to deal with a setback in my murder "investigation". Anyway, I had to wait till the end when Kit finally exposed the culprit.

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (6)

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (7)

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (8)

While reading Somebody Killed His Editor, I couldn't shake off a feeling that this story reminded me a little bit of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot. Written in Josh Lanyon's utterly witty and riveting voice, the story grabbed me from the very first line and never let go until the end. Granted, I felt slightly miffed when the book ended at 92 % and I have to say it (again): it wasn't a well-rounded ending. At all. Josh Lanyon, The King of Abrupt Endings. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to do him wrong because there have been some books that ended much more to my liking. Christopher, the somewhat self-absorbed and cranky male lead, won me over in The Boy with the Painful Tattoo and my sympathies towards him remained unwavering and strong throughout the entire first book because he's also endearing, provided he's willing to bare his vulnerable side. Readers should be aware that this first book is not much of a romance; it's heavy on the mystery, which is not a bad thing at all by the way, and we can enjoy some barbed interaction between the two main characters, Kit and J.X.

"Then you've got your head stuck in the sand."
"Well that's better than some places I've stuck it."

I've read that Josh is planning on writing five books in this series. To say that I'm stoked would me a slight understatement. Prolonging this series to five books means there remains plenty of time to develop their romance. While all of the characters are nicely fleshed out, I still see potential to develop the two male leads, esp. J.X. After reading book #3 in the series, it was rather obvious that these two guys need to work on their relationship. All in good time, right?

Bottom line, I have an inkling that Holmes & Moriarity is going to advance to my very favorite series by Josh Lanyon. I love Kit's quirks and his flawed character, all the wit and deadpan humor, the writing, and the author's voice. Every-friggin-thing. Give it a try!

J.X. said, "I was pretty stupid back then. I probably deserved to have my heart broken."
"Come here," I murmured. "Let me kiss it better."

Recommended read.


    books-kelly-and-baba-liked-or-loved funny josh-lanyon

Heather K (dentist in my spare time)

3,977 reviews6,105 followers

October 18, 2017

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (10)

I have an odd relationship with Josh Lanyon and her books. For the most part, I don't really connect with them. I've used my own money and bought over 10+ Lanyon books, and while some of the books work for me, it's true that the vast majority don't. I struggle with the lack of relationship development in every single Lanyon book.

However, that being said, I also have a love/hate relationship with the Adrien English series. While the books made me pretty mad at times, they are also some of the most memorable audiobooks I've ever listened to, and the series holds a special place in my heart.

When I saw the Holmes and Moriarity books on sale at Audible, I snatched up the first two, hoping this series would win me over.

Honestly, I really hated the beginning of Somebody Killed His Editor. The narrator for this series isn't nearly as talented as with the Adrien English books, and Kit sounded like a whiny old lady. However, as the book progressed I found myself drawn in more and more, and I ended the book on a positive note, excited to listen to the next one.

One big issue that I had, which many other readers don't seem to have, is how oddly misogynistic this book is, especially because Josh Lanyon is a female author. The female authors in the story are all wearing pink all the time and acting ridiculous, prancing around and writing about things that Kit deems frivolous. It really irked me, and it made me almost put down the book 1/3 of the way through.

I'm curious to see where this series takes me. I hope I see some true relationship development between the two MCs and not just relying on past chemistry. We'll see...

    audiobook crime m-m

Jenni Lea

802 reviews291 followers

March 24, 2018

Move over Adrien, there's a new man in my life.

Wow oh wow! How much did I love Christopher Holmes, huh?

This was fabulous. Just freaking fantastic. I connected so well with these characters and I found Christopher's cynical and self deprecating voice refreshing, humorous and so unbelievably honest. This is a man who knows who he is and is not afraid to show it. He is just so endearing that I can't help but love him.

Josh Lanyon has a way of writing that is so elegant and smart that I feel classy just reading her stories. (yes, I know actually using the word 'classy' is not, in fact, classy at all but whatever. Sue me) They are mature and witty and make one feel as if they've been invited into an exclusive club or included in a secret society of well educated, important people without feeling pretentious. I felt smarter just reading this even though I never really figured out whodunit until the reveal.

I loved this so much I immediately bought the second book and have already started reading. I can't wait to see what else is in store for these two!

    2015-sh-july favorites smarkity-smarkity-smark


1,156 reviews770 followers

October 3, 2018

3.5 Stars

Well, this was my first Josh Lanyon’s book. It was good but not perfect! I had some major issues! First of all, the mystery was so obvious! I mean reaaally obvious! The other thing, I didn’t like Holmes’ sardonic humor, it really didn’t work for me, I mean I didn’t even smile! My other issue was when I started reading it I felt lost/confused! It was obvious that Holmes & Moriarity had a history with each other but the author didn’t explain it completely until the second half! But then it wasn’t enough for me! I even doubted myself maybe it’s the second installment or maybe there is a prequel but no! My other issue was the lack of character development/relationship! I felt they had a rushed relationship (if there was one!)!! But still with these issues, I will continue reading the series, maybe it gets better?!? Told in single POV (Holmes), 1st person. It’s the first installment in the "Holmes & Moriarity" series and it’s not cliffy. Overall, it was a good read and hope you enjoy it as well!

    2016 m-m

Simone - on indefinite hiatus -

716 reviews42 followers

April 1, 2018

***4.5 Stars***

I needed a good laugh and Kit Holmes is always a sure bet that I will laugh myself to death, so just what I needed.

Loved it as much as the first time around, maybe because of the spot-on narration by Kevin R. Free - a new to me narrator - but he absolutely nailed it. ❤️

    audiobook mystery-suspense series

Damon Suede

Author19 books2,165 followers

May 5, 2011

IMpeccable mystery romance with a winning new duo. Lanyon is one of the gold stanards of our genre.

Craft! Wit! Chops! Lanyon just knows his sh*t and throws down like a hot truckstop hooker with no time to waste. Deliver-deliver-deliver... If I have any quibble, it's with the abrupt ending but I know full well why Lanyond structured it that way and agree with the choice in principle.

One of these days his books are going to cross over to mass market. They should have already. Amazing. I enjoyed the hell out of this novel and can't wait for the next Holmes and Moriarity outing.


2,282 reviews573 followers

August 16, 2017

4 Stars

I'm late to this party and don't really have much to add, so I'll leave you all with a few points of interest.

1) I love whodunit stories and this one was exceptionally well conceived. It reminded me of one of my favourite classic films, The Thin Man (which I couldn't praise higher and totally recommend to anyone who enjoyed this book).

2) I feel like Christopher "Kit" Holmes and I share the same spirit animal. I loved his sardonic wit and brutal honesty. He was flawed and cynical and it made him more relatable (at least to me).

3) This was my first ever Lanyon read....*pauses for shocked reactions*..... I truly enjoyed the writing quality, the narrative, the characters and the murder mystery. I could have done with more in the romance department, but I get that that is not the main focus here and that's fine. I'll just have to read more about Kit and JX to quench my thirst.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this fairly humorous mystery romp and will definitely be back for more of this promised Lanyon goodness.

    books-about-books buddy-read-with-r crime-mystery-suspense


1,405 reviews168 followers

August 18, 2016

Written August 11, 2014

4 1/2 Stars - Crime among writers, brilliant and surprisingly charming!

Book #1

I so VERY much enjoyed to read and listening to the Adrian English series (#1- Fatal Shadows etc) by Josh Lanyon. I can't remember anything I've read and not liked and praised, written by this man. ~ I crossed my fingers....
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (18) Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (19) Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (20) Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (21)

Yahoo! This was a surprisingly good one!!

Somebody Killed His Editor is certainly not for everyone but do you like to read (or watch on TV) a clever whodunit crime, as I do, is this story just superbly charming.


A Northern California writers conference...

Somebody Killed His Editor is about Christopher Kit Holmes who has enjoyed a celebrated career as a bestselling mystery writer. Until now. Sales are down and his new editor is allergic to geriatric gumshoes.

“I thought I recognized you."
Really? He remembered me looking like Swamp Thing? How flattering.”

Then there is this hot, handsome man with whom Holmes shared a one-night stand—okay, maybe three—long ago. The man who wants to arrest him for murder; J.X. Moriarity, former cop and nowadays a bestselling novelist.
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (22)


It's tough not to compare this with Adrien English. But in addition to the character types (see below) is this in my opinion something completely different. Holmes & Moriarity is more akin to an old-fashioned Agatha Christie or Dorothy L. Sayers novel.

Somebody Killed His Editor is a genuine whodunit in a closed circuit, in a solitary place with the traditional grand ending.

Who did it? We get the answer presented in the best way with many clues and many fun characters to suspect. We also get a hint of love, romance and hot secret meetings.

This is also yet another Lanyon series with two quite different kinds of male characters. There are of course similarities. ~ One of them is a bit more intellectual, sentimental dreamer. The other one more of the famous romances hero type. A big strong tough alpha male. A writer and a former cop.
I like both kinds. Together, is this combination often titillating hot. It glows and sparkles on the book pages (and in the headphones).

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (23)

Kit Holmes is from now on a future favorite character. He is so damn cozy gay, a pretty sweet non-hero with both vices and shortcomings. But he is quick witted, sensual romantic, have good self-awareness and can laugh at himself. Simply impossible not to take him to my heart.
‘Focus on someone else’s problems for a change, I instructed myself. You need the practice.
From now on you’ll have to live in a world you didn’t make up. Horrible thought.’


This audiobook is narrated by Kevin R. Free in a simply fantastic way. (He must be a well-trained actor and narrator.)

....Once again has maybe a welldone audiobook given me even more dimensions to a already well written novel.

This was as listening to old-fashioned well-made "radio theater" and I enjoyed every minute. All these funny and interesting characters had different voices and all these witty jokes reached my ears.

I felt in my body how it stormed and blew, how cold it was there in the big forest. How lonely this lodge was. How dark it was in the basem*nt. How lonely and exposed our poor hero Kit was. Brrrr and Uhhhh !!

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (24)

....And how hot it was when these two lovely main characters finally met and were joined. Mmmmm!!


You, dear brave friend, who managed to read all the way down here has probably already understand that I sincerely liked this book. — You have also heard (read) repeated again and again, that I now often prefer, LOVE this modern life-simplifying invention with, audio books. — You have probably also realized that I'll go on about how good this book (series) is for anyone who wants to listen (or read).

Want more of Holmes & Moriarity immediately and instantaneously now. Next up: #2 - All She Wrote.

I LIKE - once again overwhelmed and convinced


    books-i-read-2014 romance-m-m-audio romance-m-m-novels


2,873 reviews463 followers

April 7, 2017

I should trust myself more.

So, I have a huge pet peeve when reading fiction and that's reading about writers as protagonists because it breaks the illusion for me--BIG Time. But... I really enjoy Lanyon's writing and the Adrien English series worked out for me, so I pushed my instincts aside and dove in. Mistake. Adrien English worked for me because it didn't revolve around Adrien discussing his writing for any great length of time whereas this was like watching sausage being made. All the ugly mechanisms of the publishing industry opened up, inspected, and prodded.

(O_O) Noooooooooooooo...

I'm fond of Christopher Holmes, probably because there is an uncanny resemblance to Adrien English and Moriarity has a more than a passing similarity to Jake. And say what you will, but the reboot of the couple without some of the baggage in a new series was not repulsive to me. Then again, I'd be happy with another Adrien and Jake story, but since their relationship arc is complete there isn't a whole lot left to do.

Then, there's the elephant in the room-the obvious Holmes/Moriarity, and yes, adding a letter doesn't change it. There's a very conscious mocking of both writers, publishing, and readers in this book. Rather scathing all around, disenchanted and while I understand, it's not what I want to read. The whole let's throw the entirety of the mystery genre into a tumbler and see what falls out, from Scooby Doo to Agatha Christie, didn't work. If it did, I missed the nuances. Part of me thinks the first book in the series might be a rebel yell and the second might settle down to an enjoyable read for me, but I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble time or money on it.

So, the combination of publishing dissection, Adrien/Jake reboot, and everything but the kitchen sink parody of the mystery genre made this an imperfect read. To be clear, while the characters were doing anything but discussing writing and the industry this was a 4 star read, but the rest dragged this down for me. YMMV.

    mystery romance-contemp


299 reviews182 followers

June 14, 2023

"Her eyes bulged- which is really not that easy with Asian eyes." Page 124.
Um... what the f*ck.

    contemporary lgbt mystery


395 reviews528 followers

November 17, 2013

It’s the strangest thing, when I read Josh Lanyon I feel the need to dress up, put my lipstick on and sit up straight. Weird. I guess it’s the company I find myself in, Josh Lanyon books just ooze so much class, I feel like his characters wouldn’t approve if I was to say …read in the bath or lay about in bed covered in tea stains and biscuit crumbs. Yeaaah …that would be really rude.

Well, I got to tell you all – this was so much FUN! I was fit to bursting with lady-like giggles and hand over the mouth chuckles reading this book. Honestly, this is one of the best of Lanyon’s mysteries. Funny, witty, smart, sexy and as always …brilliantly executed.
Sure, I can see the similarities to the Adrien English series but I don’t care – I LOVE that series and I think I am going to love this one just as much.

This whole episode was an inspired satirical poke at the classic and stereotypical crime novel. You know the ones that kind of go like this: Bugger were trapped – oh NO – there’s a murderer on the loose – it could be you – no, it might be YOU – don’t walk about after dark – okay, sheesh walkabout after dark then – she looks shifty – no, it’s just a squint – I’ve been framed – trust me ‘it’s elementary dear dingleberry’ – Ah ha I have clue – Gather everyone in the drawing room….

I’m not sure if Agatha Christie would be appalled or applaud. But who cares, I loved it! I even guessed who the killer was when it could have been ALL of them.

Christopher/Kit Holmes is a typical (wonderful) Lanyon character, he makes me grin, scowl, and

spit cough my cookies all over the bed starched table cloth. He is grouchy, sarcastic, witty, and bitter and yet I adore him. He is unintentionally hilarious in his dramatic efforts to restyle himself, salvage his reputation and cope with the insecurity of being jilted. Meeting JX Moriarity again is the last thing he needs. *and I can’t hide my grin*

From a readers perspective I am thrilled! This coupling is going to be awesome – I can tell. I suspect Mr Holmes and I will have a love-him-wanna-choke-him relationship but I foresee fun times ahead for Holmes and Moriarity – ha! You know it’s meant to be.
Lanyon is once again masterful in his delivery and every moment of this book is a constant give, give, give. I have no complaints, not one. I didn’t even think it was too short :)

4.5 Stars

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (29)

    a-2013-favorite boys-in-our-books favorite-author

Rosa, really

584 reviews320 followers

November 4, 2015

I have come to the conclusion that if I ever find myself in a historic building rife with homicide during some kind of storm and there are two dudes that snipe at each other until I want to yell For the love of all god's cherubim and seraphim, WILL YOU f*ck ALREADY! (and/or admit you lurve each other) then I must be that single female friend in a Lanyon novel that generally seems to have such sh*tty taste in men.



Just thought I'd share.

Also, Kevin R Free is a good narrator, but, man, his version of the main character (Kit, in this case) always sounds massively whiny. I'm listening to A Ghost of a Chance right now and it's the same damn thing. Doesn't stop me from listening to the audio 95 times though.

    mm-fave-authors mm-favorites


939 reviews

February 9, 2017

I've put off reading this series forever since it's practically impossible to live up to Adrien & Jake, but here we go. :)

Thoughts to come.

    josh-lanyon m-m mystery-suspense
April 2, 2020

Don't read alone or in the dark. I did and it totally creeped me out. You think I'd have learned after the first night but no, I went back the next night and freaked myself out again. That's how wrapped up I got in this book. Christopher was an interesting guy. I wasn't sure whether or not I liked him for the first half of the book. I had no idea what J.X.'s story was and I kept going back and forth on who the murderer was until the very end. I'm really glad there are more books in the series...I need a little more romance between Christopher and J.X.

Anyta Sunday

Author91 books2,640 followers

February 14, 2020

Completely absorbed.


1,628 reviews288 followers

July 21, 2021

I’m sure this is going to be another winning Detective series.

I loved the Adrien English series, and following Adrien and Jake was a delight. Now I feel like I get to do it all again but with Kit and J.X.

Kit is an author not a bookshop owner, and J.X is an Ex cop turned writer, but the chemistry feels the same. This time though its Kit that is the problem.

Due to Kit’s preference for the devil you know, and not liking to rock the boat, he failed to act on his feelings, so ten wasted years later he finally gets a second chance with J.X.

At first I thought J.X was a bit of a jerk, but as always after things are explained my feelings towards him did a 360.

As for the mystery in this one, I was guessing and second guessing and even third and fourth guessing right up till the end.

This has a lovely old fashioned mystery feel to it, and the book titles for Miss Butterwith had me smiling through out, very clever.

ETA The one good thing about a poor memory is I get to re read mystery books again and only remember as things happen lol.

ETA My only complaint is the lack of JX and Kit time lol.

ETA Still one of my favorite reads and couples

ETA See above

    favorites more-story-than-sex read-more-than-once

* A Reader Obsessed *

2,355 reviews489 followers

June 10, 2017

3.5 Stars

Seriously? What the hell was that ending? You know after reading 18 Lanyons, I should know by now that the abrupt conclusion is coming, but it still slaps me in the face every damn time!! Arrgggh!!

Ok, back to the regular scheduled programming…

This was a great, complex mystery with a different tone that I’m used to from this author. Never short on smart, acerbic, or witty, this also had some great dashes of humor to it.

Christopher has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. Not only is he trying to save his writing career, but he must also try to stay alive at the worst writers conference ever. Add in the enigmatic JX from his past to make things more complicated, he can barely juggle all the absurd situations he finds himself in.

Definitely lighter, more self deprecating, and funny in tone, it took me awhile to warm up to Christopher for some reason. However, the almost farcical situations he finds himself in contrasted nicely with the more somber moments with JX - all of which made for interesting twists and revelations. More romance and smex would always be appreciated, but again, that’s just another thing I need to accept and expect from this author. I’m still a fan though and probably always will be.

    2016 bookphiles-educators-librarians crime-mystery-suspense

The Flooze

763 reviews276 followers

February 24, 2013


I absolutely love Josh Lanyon. He writes the perfect blend of thrilling mystery, quirky comedy, and sweet and sexy romance. He makes me tense, he makes me giddy, and he makes me sigh—all while I try to piece together who the damn murderer is.

When we first meet Christopher “Kit” Holmes, the story reads like my favorite sort of comedy routine: It's full of exasperation, self-deprecation and sarcasm. Christopher is at his wits’ end since discovering his publisher won't be reupping his contract (apparently little old spinsters with precocious cats aren’t the “in” thing anymore). Not to mention he’s just endured the tumultuous end of his ten-year relationship. To say things are going poorly for dear Christopher is putting it mildly.

In a desperate bid to get Kit back on the A-list, his agent convinces him to attend a writing retreat in some godforsaken country corner. The resulting tale is filled with lots of secrets, hidden connections, and back-stabbing friends…and of course, a murder or two.

Deaths aside, Somebody Killed His Editor is an hilarious look at the tawdry side of Christopher‘s career. His agent Rachel is constantly spouting a list of what’s-hot and what’s-not, and is terribly enthusiastic about a hybrid regency-mystery-demon-erotica (I think I might have read that one). His fellow writers are either brutal and vindictive, or eager little fashionistas who crowd around in a cloud of pink (that chicklit sensibility being so hot). Christopher is caught in the middle of it all, lamenting the demise of his career--and possibly his freedom, since the bevy of cackling chicklitters have deemed him a murderer.

The one bright spot in all of this is a former flame: J.X. Moriarity. He’s young, handsome, successful, and he’s a former cop (Lanyon has a penchant for law enforcement). J.X. and Kit have an unmistakable chemistry and it’s a delight watching them work through their past and their attraction to each other.

I especially love Lanyon’s description of Kit and J.X. being intimate, because that's exactly what it is: intimacy. Lanyon doesn't limit the scene to the physicality. He makes it so much more meaningful and engrossing because of the emotions, the pure joy Kit experiences, the snapshot moments of a look or a smile, the thoughts that will linger long after the sex is done. After reading so many trumped up sex scenes across the genres, Kit and J.X. feel very different because they feel real. They're tender yet playful and remind me of the best moments you can have with a partner.

This isn’t a fanciful romance that falls into place with a snap of the fingers. There’s also some confusion and miscommunication that makes the relationship layered and believable. Lanyon isn’t for those who insist on a concrete HEA. He’s perfect for people like me who relish the realism of a budding relationship and enjoy seeing how two characters relate and adapt to one another.

Life is messy. Romance doubly so. Add in some dead bodies and you’ve got a whole heap of crap to contend with. Handle it all with big slice of sarcastic humor and you’ve got the perfection that is a Lanyon story.

    favorites gay-fiction_mm mystery


4,897 reviews5,201 followers

August 2, 2015

Whilst stumbling through the rainy woods on his way to a writers' conference, mystery author Christopher Holmes stumbles upon (gasp!) a body. Soon the dead best-seller is joined by her jerk editor and fingers start pointing at Holmes.

This probably isn't a tight enough mystery plotwise to really please hardcore mystery fans, and I can't say the writing is anything superb, but it was a fun, quick read. It probably doesn't quite deserve four stars but I'm rounding up for enjoyment. Lanyon did a good job making his characters sympathetic but flawed. I appreciated that the main character was frumpy, forty, and out-of-shape and that this was portrayed in a matter-of-fact way, i.e. that he was normal, rather than as exceptional and unattractive as many authors seem to feel about any extra years or pounds on their characters (I just started something that described a smart, well-off man as in his late 30s, balding and overweight and then said, as if this were taken for granted, that he had accepted that no woman he wanted would ever want him. I mean, possibly he is shallow and only hits on super models, but lots of people are chubby or balding or whatever and still find romance. /End rant.)

There were some decent literary jokes, and some clever lines.

    books mystery


678 reviews115 followers

November 1, 2019

*Spoilers ahead*

This is an 'It's me, not the book' kind of situation.

I had a fundamental problem with this book and it's the same reason why I don't watch TV shows like Bones and the like. The Mentalist and Lucifer are the exception, though I skipped a lot of episodes in those too because of the following...

I find it funny (not really) that people accusing each other of murder, meanwhile they're standing in front of the accused, utterly calm; listing the reasons why they might have done it and how they did it. Instead, if they truly believe the person they accused did it, they should be running or at least backing away, shaking, or screaming for help. None of that happened in this book.The ending to me was outright ridiculous. You know those books/movies where the villain starts monologuing like "I was planning your death for years and I had to this and that and blah blah blah..." Can we get on with the killing please?
Now here, the MC was presenting his theory in front of an audience. And the killer was there too of course, listening calmly and then they admitted it, and it just ended, right there.

Also, this is the kind of mystery where the reader finds out details along with the protagonist. Eventually there will be a lot of suspects, each with their own very incriminating motives. So even if I wouldn't have been right about the killer (I was, though not the motive), I wouldn't have been surprised whoever it turned out to be. And I think I like it better when there's a twist at the end.

However, I liked the cast of characters. There is an ex-cop and an ex-con too. The main character, Kit Holmes is actually kind of adorable... in a way. :) They are not the most likable characters, I admit that, but no one's perfect.
The setting is really clever. Setting up a murder at a writer's retreat with full of mystery writers. Very clever indeed, even though I hated that suspiciously there was no way to communicate with anyone outside of the retreat, I can't believe such a thing, but I let it go, since it's a mystery. I also appreciated the little glimpse into the publishing business.

If you're looking for romance, go find it elsewhere. I knew that going in, and I didn't have a problem with it. I actually liked those few brief moments with the protagonist and his love interest, sure I would have been happier with more, or at least a flashback what happened all those years ago, but I was satisfied with what little I got.

Favorite quotes:

"How long was I going to wait? Till something happened? I didn’t want anything to happen. Enough had happened already. Much better to hightail it out of there before the next thing happened. Especially if it was going to happen to me."

"You know what I mean.”
“No I don’t.” She met my perplexed gaze coolly. I tried to look at it from her POV, but I don’t do omniscient very well. "

    contemporary lgbt m-m-romance


1,446 reviews240 followers

April 19, 2018

4.5 Stars

Someone Killed His Editor has everything I love about a Lanyon read—dead bodies, an ex-cop, and a wicked mouth! ;)

So here we go…*rubs hands together* We have rain and wind, no phones, bridge out, a packed house, and a killer on the loose! Throw in a not quite resolved sexual history with hurt feelings plus current sparks of attraction flying through the air in perfectly timed, make-me-laugh-out-loud, sarcastic banter and you’ve got yourself one hell of story. Better yet…you’ve got yourself a classic Josh Lanyon murder mystery on your hands!

Let me try to layout the mayhem here. Christopher Holmes, our mystery writer with an uncertain career future and aforementioned wicked mouth, just arrived at a weekend writer’s conference only to find a body in the woods. He reluctantly agreed to this weekend retreat because his agent arranged a last ditch effort/meeting to salvage his career with the editor who axed his latest book. But how can Christopher possibly concentrate on his writing future when bodies keep dropping all around him?! A storm is preventing anyone from leaving or getting help, so everyone is trapped for the weekend with a killer! And to add fuel to the fun, Christopher comes face to face with J.X. Moriarity, an ex-cop turned mystery writer and former flame that might still be burning. Christopher and J.X. spent a weekend together a decade before and never really worked out their feelings. Flash forward to the present weekend and all these two seem to do is throw witty and hilarious jabs at each other. The heat and attraction peeks through the hurt and jealousy and envy in oh-so perfect little doses. I loved their time on the page together. Can they find a way through their past to find a future together though? They have to survive the weekend without getting killed first.

Murder, murder, murder is all around in this book. And there is no one better to capture it all on the page. Josh Lanyon is the master at creating an atmosphere and place. This isolated lodge in the woods is so vivid and alive. I can see it. I can feel it! The chill in the air, the patter of rain, and eerie wet darkness all around made me shiver. The way Lanyon uses nature’s beauty and cruelty to set a scene or mood never fails to amaze me. But then the chaos of everyone talking all at once, pounding on doors, and running all around added this hilarious madcap feel to the action as well. I loved it all!

For me, the shining star of the show was Christopher’s voice though. He is absolutely hysterical! His combination of self-deprecation, wit, quick banter and snark hit all my laugh out loud buttons. I have never laughed more in a Lanyon world.

I can’t wait to see where this Holmes-Moriarity team is headed. They have a lot to work out, but I want to be there for every step.

Highly recommended.

Favorite Lanyon word this time out: fripperies


544 reviews252 followers

October 3, 2013

In my top 3 books I've read all year.

There will be spoilers in this review. Oh and swearing. LOTS OF SWEARING AHEAD. Probably.

Josh Lanyon's writing is unbelievable. Actually unbelievable. If I could chose to write like any one person, it would be him. It's so damn engaging, his writing is honestly like a siren's call. You can't escape or back away from it. He sucks you in and holds you there. It's amazing. Amazing. The imagery he uses is so exciting and not overdone. I've read a lot of books which are written in paragraphs like "And then he said ________, and then he did __________, and then the scenery looked like ________." Josh Lanyon's writing is nothing like this. It's so practiced and so smooth. GOD is it smooth (what an odd things to say).

Rita made a sound like seals do when they see sardines flying their way. Her husband gave her a warning look.

Seriously, who writes like this? God, it's good.

Christopher Holmes is f*cking hilarious. Everything he does and thinks is hilarious. He plays the roll of a 39 year old has-been writer, out on a writing retreat to try and coax Krass into signing him for more of his Mrs. Butterswith books. Everything Christopher thinks and does is funny and literally had me busting a gut laughing throughout this entire book.

The mystery was so good. Like, I had no idea WHO-DUN-IT. It was fun learning all the clues along with our favorite hero Christopher. I made so many guesses and assumptions but never really got it right.

I had no idea from the beginning who Christopher's love interest would be (ignoring book name which I then noticed later...). Which was refreshing and fun! Speaking of which.... J.X. What a total badass babe. Babezilla. What a unique, cute relationship. And so dramatic! Oh so dramatic. The sex scenes were so good and the fact that they had a sexual past but Christopher had once broken J.X.'s heart... was a cool and sweet twist in the road.

“I blinked at her while she continued to yap at me like a Pekingese after too many generations of inbreeding.”

Overall, the writing is the f*cking sh*t, the story and plot was fan-f*cking-tastic, the characters are f*cking awesome, and the whole book was a gay ol time! Read this immediately.
It occurred to me that there were no lights on. Anywhere. Not in the entire building.
They were all in bed before daybreak. And they called themselves writers?

    100-stars boys-who-like-boys cray-zay-ending


Author3 books106 followers

March 27, 2013

I find Josh Lanyon books are hit and miss with me. This one is definitely a hit.

I really enjoyed Christopher Holmes, and his point of view. It's refreshing reading about a character who isn't in his early twenties and smoking hot. It's a nice change to read about someone I can relate to more especially as I get older. Christopher's insecurities, and fears felt real to me. I was able to understand where he was coming from, and I really felt for him as he tried to save his writing career.

The secondary characters were strong, and interesting. Their quirks made for entertaining reading, and I liked the diversity of the cast of writers. The love interest felt a bit pushy to me, but I understood him better when I found out about their past together.

The mystery did get a bit thin in spots, and I thought the resolution came a little out of left field, but the strength of the characters made up for any qualms I had about the plot. A fun read, and I look forward to reading more.


Wendys Wycked Words

1,581 reviews3,902 followers

April 5, 2020

Awesome !! On to the next one ;)

    crime frenemies gay-love

Ula'ndi Hart

922 reviews15 followers

March 1, 2017

Overall book rating: 4
Audio Book: Kevin R. Free: 4.5
Book Cover: 3

I’m feeling strangely undecided on this review. If that even makes any sense. On the one hand I’m bouncing on my chair with excitement; on the other I’m contemplating a strike.

Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (44)

I don’t really know how to convey my feelings. So I decided on putting it in different categories.

The Author and Story: – This was obviously my FIRST Josh Lanyon.

The reasons for this are that I’m mainly a romance reader. I read for the connection between the characters and the rest of the story is a bonus. Josh Lanyon doesn’t write this way. The “mystery” gets first dibs on everything and the “romance” is an afterthought.

Strangely this wasn’t that big a problem for me this time around. I have to say that if I was in a different mood, I might have not been so gracious about it.

But I needed “something” and this book delivered. I laughed so hard at times, and it had me paying attention from the start. I really enjoyed the writing style. The characters.. It was not what I expected at all. In a GOOD way.

The Narrator: Kevin R. Free was BRILLIANT. I don’t think I have to say anything else on the matter to those who did the audio. I think he was fabulous with Christopher. Couldn’t have been done any better in my opinion.

The Ending : I thought long and hard about even mentioning this...but I have to say something. What the hell was up with that?

I’m still wondering about all the “what’s and why’s” and where this whole thing with JX and Kit is going and WHAM. The End? This is where the fifth star went missing in the review.

I’ve gone reading a few reviews and apparently this is an ongoing thing for the author. Something you have to make peace with if you want to be a devoted follower.

So “devoted” I will not be. But I will be reading more of it, that’s for sure. The humour and the feel of the whole story was just done so well that I can’t chuck it out the window for not being “exactly” my usual thing. And I obviously also need to keep reading to get more of Kit and JX! Who in their right mind wouldn’t want more of that right?

In a nutshell. It’s not my usual thing. But I’m really glad I gave it a go. It was so worth the read!!! I had so much fun and I can’t wait to get more of Kit and JX.

    lgbtq mm-audio mystery-thriller-suspense


2,970 reviews114 followers

June 19, 2022

I am a BIG, BIG Josh Lanyon fan as most of you have probably figured out by now. This series is going to be as good as everything else she has written. There's just enough lightheartedness to keep the story from being too dark and heavy for those that are not fans of blood and gore, but yet the details of the killings are all there. The two main characters balance each other well. Kit is the one who generally leaps without looking, though he's well aware he should and as a result he doesn't always land on his feel. JX is the more level-headed one, offering stability to the story that gives him emotions that Kit doesn't possess. The way they feel for each other, even after a decade apart is absolutely perfect. and heartwarming. Their world is very real and engaging. It’s a story with likeable, warm and lovable, characters. They may not necessarily be made from the stuff of heroes, but they will win their way into your heart merely by their fallibility.

    april-chalenge april-challenge


736 reviews178 followers

September 8, 2023

I was hoping that this book would really grab me, but I found it a bit bland. Witty dialogue and some sexy parts were fun, but I never became invested in the murder mystery. I own this one and the reader, Kevin Free, did a wonderful job.

    audiobook mystery series


691 reviews1,448 followers

January 4, 2022

absolutely in love with these two ❤️

    assasins-spies-agent-detective-cop lgbtq romance


170 reviews292 followers

January 15, 2018

I write this review after reading the second and third books in the series, revising my rating to 5 stars. I did enjoy this book when I read it for the first time, but I came to love this couple after my second read. I think my initial negative reaction to this couple was due to having a hard time leaving Adrien and Jake (from Adrien English series) behind. I think it’s important to refrain from comparing Kit and J.X. or frankly any couple, with Adrien and Jake. I like it when two different kinds of characters find similarities and fall in love. And yes, there are similarities between Kit and J.X. as a couple with Adrien and Jake. While I would always love to read another Adrien and Jake full story, I don’t think that’s happening. And J.X. and Kit are adorable and unique enough. I wasn’t ready for them when I first read this series, but Kit and J.X are officially a new favorite!

The whole book is like a hilarious parody of old-school murder mysteries and classics, set in the world of mystery writers, where people are trapped in the same place as the murderer.
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (49)

Initially, I disliked the atmosphere of this story. It felt melancholic and depressing. I failed to connect with Kit and J.X., to see much depth to their relationship or even believe their love. J.X. was sometimes too good to be true and sometimes felt rather pushy and even cruel. I didn’t understand his fascination with Kit, and why he would feel for him so strongly and so suddenly. Worst of all, I didn’t like Kit, the narrator of the story. How I adore my grumpy little Kit now!

At second read, my opinion changed a lot. It's generally a nice change when characters are not in their early twenties, and actually worry about their looks, weights and have insecurities that normal people do. I think I was able to relate to Kit during my second read, because I’m now older, and no longer in my twenties. His insecurities are now real and tangible to me.

Kit is not the heroic type. He is witty and grumpy and self-ware in a very honest way. He’s also hurt and bitter, trying to cope with his many insecurities. His bitter and cynical sense of humor is simply hilarious. I never get tired of his sarcastic and funny self-deprecating inner monologue. He tries very hard to keep his pain to himself, but you can easily read between the lines. That he’s afraid to get hurt again, thus surrounding himself with walls and refusing to expose his vulnerability. He is sometimes very dramatic, feels very old inside, throws tantrums like a 5 years old, and has a tendency to chatter when nervous. I have one word for Kit. Adorable!

He does want to change, desperately trying to salvage what he thinks remains from his life and career. In order to do so, he has been told that he has to change his image and part with his decade-old mystery series, Miss Butterwith, which is like his own baby. Poor Kit isn't happy at all, and not ready to let go of his precious elderly sleuth and her cat.
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (50)

J.X.’s character, a hot and young ex-cop and a rising star in the world mystery writers, is also much better understood when you find out about his past with Kit, about what he has endured and what he is going through inside his head. It’s a nice twist when the story develops and you get to learn about HIS insecurities. J.X.’s actions are explained when you know the full background story and you get to hear his inner fears. Kit has no idea how much he matters to J.X. and affects him.

The antagonism between them was very fun to read. But I also felt pained reading their arguments throughout this series so far. I found it painful that they kept hurting each other despite being so deeply in love. This series is quite an eye-opener when it comes to relationships. Communication is everything!
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (51)

The mystery is simple and yet, quite good. It’s refreshingly nice when I can’t guess who the murderer is after reading a few chapters. I kept guessing, my suspicions falling from one character to another, as I learned more about their pasts together with Kit.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable and well-crafted murder mystery with nice flow that engages you and makes you fall in love with Kit and J.X. gradually. I can’t wait to read the fourth book in the series.
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (52)

    crime enemy-to-lover favorite-m-m-novels
Somebody Killed His Editor (Holmes & Moriarity #1) (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.