The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

'S, 24 T1IE EVENING SUN, BALTIMORE. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1936 Quotations On The New York Stock Exchange Previout Precious High Low Wtocktd WioA iLnx Wtockl 4 High iLou) IBtockt at Previomi, Toiay't I Vtom 1 High 1 Low Clo fretrfftusl Today's I Clotei High I Low CUt Prtrlovt, Today'i I C'losel High I Lou (7los SiiwvJan. 1 li4t-tdenii 4a flinceJan. llJividends An fiinecJan.VliivultnA in CAPITAL GOODS CATCH UP WITH RECOVERY PACE Issuance Of New Securities Still Lagging, Survey Shows New York Stock Averages Compiled, by On Associated Preui 0uil. 1A Rail, lor10.

80 n. QUIET SELLING CARRIES STOCK PRICES LOWER Period For Holders To Establish Tax Losses Now Nearing End 58 I 58 Al I 54H Nat Mall A StceJC(a2). 69X! 58H HXi lHOranby Conaol 2d atpd.l 8HI AM, AHi eH 100 I 39 ICbeaapeake Corp (31. 11X1 HH, 11 Xi HX 14M! 9M at Powft Lt AH Union ctf. 4HI 4M 4Xi 88 88 61MI 63H 8 Ml 2M 77 HI 51 IChoaft Ohio (t2.80)., 86 Hi .1 85 Ml .1 3MI 3M 3 HINat Ky Mex 1st 3HI IHK'hlcagoft 111 8H! 2HICtiiago ft pf 1M Ky Mt-x 2nd pf .1 6HI 7 Ml 8HI 7H 2HI 3 Ml 3H 1X1 IMi IMI iH XI Hi XI 71 I.71M 70 i 70 88 A9MI 88X1 69 132HI132 I131MU31M 43 24HlOranite City St 40 HI 42 I 41 I 43 52 28 M'rant (W T) 43 41 43 41 4M 32X OreatNo pf I 41 I 41X 40X1 40.X 32M 18 Kireat pr ctf 19M' 20HI 19X1 30 41 31 Great Sugar (2.40)..

I 39HI 39MI 39H 39X 2HI IHlOliicagoft 78 57 H' National Steel (r3Mi-. 78 19 National Supply 13HI 4 IChlcago 2 I 12 HI 1KI 133 74 National Suppf(t3M). 2Hi lHjChl Ht ft 13 Hi 13 I 13 1MI 1HI 1W 4 Ml 4 HI 4M SMI 3 I 3 IOHi 10 10 13X1 7 'National Tea (Oc) I 10M 149MU38 Idreat Bug pf (7...145 (148 141 ,141 5MI St PftP of 4 HI SMI 1.1X1 lOXiNatomas Co 12 4HI 2HIChlcaaoft (d) 39MI 22 lOreen (H L) Inc 36X1 36 85MI 35 60 I 33 INelsner Bros If2) 68 10HI 11 HI 10MI 10M 17MI 14H Oreyhound 15 16 15M 16 12 Ml BHiChlcago ft 12 Ml 13 Mi 13 SS I 58 I 6A 57 I 87 I 87 107 Ml 107 1107 Today'a rlnae 93.7 .17.8 SO. V7 Net change 2 4 Previous tlay tH.B 37.4 51 0 AB.3 Month 1(0 977 3S9 52.7 71 6 Year aco 73.1 29 8 44.3 M.O High 1MI 99.8 43.8 U.T K.I Low (1086) 78.4 SO.t 43.4 63.7 Hlgb (1033) 7S. 81.3 44.7 Ml Lew (1033) 4S.S 18.8 31.6 14.1 Movement Of Recent Tear (10321 17.0 8.1 23.8 1 oikd iiikw vs im mi Low (1U27) 01.8 93.3 1.

81.8 64X1 41 INewberry (JJ) (t3.40).. 69 4X IMOuantanamo 3X 3X H- 24Hi 12HChlcago Pneu 110 104M Newberry pf (5) 107M 65HI 40HIChlcago 86 I 24 Uuautanarao Sugpf. 64 64MI 54 I 64 A3 State Steel I 58X1 69 I 58 Ml 58H 40 I 9 INewport 3.5 35MI 33MI a3l 22 HI 22 Mi 23 22 82MI 82 82 62 3 2 I 3 3 6 HI a I 6M 5M 8HI AMI 6 I 8 3 1 Chicago HUH 83 32HIN Air Brake 79 I 77 STRICTER NEUTRALITY '34 Ml 30 IHackenaack 34 134 I 84 34 8 I ft 8 8 I ft 7 15M 8 Hall (W F) Print 14 14M 14X1 49MI 27Xl'N Central I 41 41X 53MI 17XIN ft St I 38MI 89 95 I 36HlN ft St pf I 80 181 MOTOR DIVISION SHOWS HEAVINESS 30 Ml 17H'Chlekas)i I 22MI 21 I 2' I 33 I 14 IHamllton Watcb I 27 I 26X1 38X1 28X ACT HELD POSSIBLE 14 j. 7 iChlldaCo 14 14 76 7B 40M! 40H 38 I 38 77 Ml 77 loMI HH 83X1 33 1X1 1M 5Mi 6M Watch 10SMI104X 104X 15 I 3M Dock I 11 51 I 23 IChllA Cnnrker tl I 50U 50 12X1 1'H SO 60 118M1116M 12 3ft 105MM00 Hanna (M A) pf 1102 1103 1103 103 33X1 29 HI 10XIN DOCk pf. 138X1 Corp 53X1 Walk (t2) 63X 6ft 63HI 53 Investors IM 18 HI 17 HI 18 si I 15 iCIty ice ft Fuel (3) 18 I 2X1 AMI I're viiut lliyh Imv IRtockH HinrtJnn.

VIHviilentl in 18X! 12 iUat Corp of America A 16HI 16MI I6H1 1BH 6X1 By Georce T. Huches 9H1 SHI 8MI 8M I Hi I Low VlOM l-iHI 4WiCitr storea IX 8M 18 4HI 9 4 Hayes) Body 6HI I Mi 18Xi I 16X1 18X 17 4AHI 23H Clark Euuin (tl.BOi... Special Dispatch. Copyright, 1936 3 ft 7MIN ft pf 4 Ont Weat 2M Railway pf 133 I OOHiHazel 99MI100 100 100 7MI 6 I 4H' 6 HlH107HiClev III pf What Stocks Did New York, Dec. 28-In its monthly 5M 21MI Pr vtc 13 13 1 1-Hi 13 41 I 26 Hi Hercules Mot (tl) I 35 Hi 35 I 84 34H .1 32HI 33 I 32 I 82 WUHXIUlH 37 HI 87 Ml 87 37 73 I 74 HI 73 I 73 1121 I123M123 I123M HOHi 3HI 0M HI 3J ICIoyeland Graph 77 HI 48 ICIuett-Peahody 15Ml 9H Shipbuilding.

4X1 4M! 4M 4M I 12 Hi 12X1 18M1 13X I 1X1 3 1 IMI 2 2HI Norfolk ft Son IX 149X 84 Illerculea Powder (a5X)il4B 1148 14 148 135 1126 illerculM pf (7) 1130 1129 139 129 134 84 ICoca-Cola (t2) Today. Thurs. business survey, given out for publication today, the National Industrial Conference Board concludes that the 310X1210 21 Hi 13 iColgate.Palm (t50c) Norfolk ft West 1268 270 1264 Norfolk ft Weat pf (411111 Illl illl 264 Illl lift 1 10.1 SO I ftsX'llerahey Choc (J3) I 63 I Aft I A4 65 49X1 2BH Hiram ft 47HI -48MI 7H' 47H 8AHI 39HiColllnai Alk AlHl At I 60HI AOH 35 Ml 23 74 il 59 iAcme Bteol (41 1 64 I 64 XI 64HI 04 15i Kxpra(e5cl. .1 14 HI I I 14 MX 35X1 17HiAdame-Mlllia 24 HI H' 4l 34 37X1 22 ll) 35Hl 3SHI 35Xi 33 21 HI I HiAilvnooe Kuioley I 3 Mi H- H- KB 4 1 58 Reduction (tl) 78 75Ml 73Xi 74 AMI 2 Way I I 4H' 4 I 4 17 HI 11 'Alaska 14HI MX MXI 14 SM! 2M AIInKhanv dorp Hl MI I (II H1 pf $10 WW Id). 48 47Xi 4l 4K W)Hl pf 40 WW 45Xl 48 4 46 54 Ml 27 iAIlKH Corp pr pi 4.1 I 40 I 40 40MI St (al.

.1 37X! 3SMI 37X1 North American 30X1 311 Hi 39X1 UAH 107HiColllns Alk pf .111.1 112Mlll3MiH2 19MI Walk pf (1) 19M 19MI 19Mi 19H producers' goods industries have at last caught up with the improvement 59 29X 5S IS 52 North Am pf (3). 65 I 6ft I 64 45 Wl 45 i 43 I 43 41 I 38 Colorado i 4Mi 30H Holland Furnace (alX)l 47 Hi 48Ml 41 1 48 13 Ml 13X1 13 13 .18 H' 21 HiCol Southern 6MiNorth Am 98 iNorth Am Ed pf (8). 124 10H Holland Fur pf (51.... '120 121 1 131 12 1 in consumers' goods. 108 103M 103 i 103 Hi 103 243 427 544 280 153 172 940 879 31 30 10 8 33X1 4 iHollanderft 8 25X1 35MI 34 I 24X 'Hi lOH.Colorado So 1st pf.

2.1Hi 14 il'oi ft 23 Mi Northern Pacific 20 27 I 37 Ml 38 Mi Total issues. The estimates are thai output of 36X1 32 I IX HiHollanderft Son rtsca. 111! XI 21 Hi 31M" 30H 30H 28 Hi 26HI 36 28 17 HI 17 Ml 16H1 1H 1 105 1105 I104MU04M 35 I 35Ml 35 35M 41 I 41 I 40H! 40M 19 INorwalk Tire ft 29X1 38Xi 38X1 38X 101 Hi OOHICol (J ft pf A (Al 42 1 19XlHolly Sugar Corp 40 I 40MI 40X: 40M 17 Ml 12 OHIO Oil (a60c) 45M! 81 Col Plct vtc 544 407 IHomestake 410 410 410 first-named group regained 58 per cent, of the 1929-32 decline, against a recovery in consumers' goods of 54.3 I22H I22 22 22(1 215 1S7 jAMIcd Dye 10) 51 HI 39HColumhla pf 2Hi. 69M 84HiOliver Farm 85 Mi 17 lOmnlbus Corp 33 1 22XiH(iudaillB Hr IS Ml 1 Hi 16 Hi 1X 84X1 58X1 53 I 63 18 18X1 18H! 1 15 I IS I lft I 15 136HI 94 lOolumbian vtc 1120 1121 1119 44X1 39HiHou-Herahey A 78 1 05HlHimseed pr 25 Ml 25MI 24X1 24X 42 I 42 HI 42 1 42 76 Ml 7ft Ml 75 Ml 75 13 I 13X 12Mt 13M 19M 8 lOonenheim per cent. In other words, we have now Shares traded today, 1,789,116.

84 Ml 44 Com Credit Co If4 69H! 70HI 68 88 91 HI 55 ICoin Inv Tr (Ml 78H 78HI7SH 7BH 39X1 84Xlotis Elevator (a75c) 34 I 23 lAllied Mills Inr laSOc) 20HI AX'Alllert Stores 77 HI Chalmers (tlHi. 84 Ml WXIAIpha Com (alHl.t 6X1 4 lAmal Ix-athw I 87 I 37X1 SAX! 36 13 Ml OHIHouston Oil vtc attained a balanced recovery, although 20X1 12Mioti SteeJ I 17HI 17MI 16X1 1SX 197 ICora Inv pf 11 H17 1117 H7 58 Ml 59 63 I 48XHowe Sound t3 .1 31 HI 32 I 31 Hi 81 .1 17H 17 HI 17 I 17H 7.1HI 75HI 74 HI 73 .1 2HI il 301I Ml .1 .1 I I 4 HI 4H .1101 110.1 I I .1 40 I XI anH ,1 A3 Hi 8ftHI 05 I I All I 70 i 164 128 lOwena-HI Glass I163H115SH 4HI 4H 19 Ml 30 HI 19 Ml 1" 84 Mi HHiCom 8olv (tfloo) 6HI 3H Hudson ft Man 22 I 13 IPaclflc Am FUh 21 Hi 21 HI 30 20 with still a long way to go. The chief criticism against the revival hitherto hat: been that it did not take in durable 11MI HH 69 I 60MI 4MI 4MI 13X1 11 Mi 19MI lMl 1HI 2 I 5M 2W Com ft 17H 8 Hi Hudson ft Man pf lAmi'rada Corn lAm Hank Nolo Am Hank Not fit (31. lft 8 Ml Pacific Coast I 12H! 12Xi 12X1 13X 18M; 18X 62 I ftDWlOomft Sou pf 22MI 13HHudson Motor I5MI 7 IConde Naat I 3HI 3HI 3HI I 70M 70 89 Hi 70 14 Ml 13 I 15 I 15 37HI 37X1 8AXI 38H 17MI 17 I 17 I 17 3X1 1 Hupp Motor 121 HI 17 73 I A3 I 40 140 124 lWlj'llu goods, but now it seems that thii 1X1 1H 22 HI 22 Am Sh (Mi 44 HI 30 HiOong-Nairn (tl 601 32 Ml 8 Pacific Coast 1st 27Xl 35 I 2ft I 3ft 39Hi 4XiPaciflc Coast 3nd 83X1 31 I 33MI 33M 39MI 30 ll'aclflc Fin Corp (tl.80) 33 33X1 33X1 33M 41 aOXIPaclflcG 36HI 83H 36 I 36 defect has been remedied. 29M! Central I 23 I 23 Mj 54H 30 illllnola Central pf 4ft I 44 3-1 Ml 15 Conn Ry pf lAm Brake pf 11.19 iH '1" Am Can (t4) 44X1 44M 18HI 19H 8 Consolidated Cigar The board notes that recovery has 73X1 58 Illllnola (4) i 70 72 1 72 I 72 58X1 95 72iConCp 88M ISM Reflnin 13M 13 HI 12 12 85 i 65HiConsol Cinar pf (7).

78 Hi 47 I 22X1 41X1 Kay (1.68) I 37 30 H' 36MI 36M 19 I 18HI HH 89 I 88 8 (SO I 80 I 80 7 Ml 7 7H 31 29MI 30H 43 Ml 42X1 43H been least impressive in the financial field, "where issuance of new securities is still lagging behind improve 9HI 3 ('on Coal vtc 7 I 44XPaciflc Light 53 61 Xl 60 150 14H Pacific Mills (al) 43 42 41Ml 41X 11 XI Pacific West Oil (a05c) 83 22 21 1 21 6H Packard Mot 10 11M l0Hi 10 12X Pan-Am Petrol 18X1 lH I 18 I 18 1H Panhandle ft 3 1 3 I 3 i 3 122 1 88Hilnland Steel (tl) 115 13 HI 3AHI 12HlConsCoal vtc 3Ml 21X1 AMilXipiration Copper I 20 Hi 21X1 iOHl 21 20 Hi 4SMI ErtU 43 HI 7H ft Ins 8h ct (a'20c) SMI 8M 5MI 5H 4X1 1 108 HI 108 1108 109 1102 IConsol Krt pf 1 108 18HI HH InterboroKpTvtc(d). HHi UMI I KHIHil2'IAm Can pf (7) 1173 1171 U7- Ml HI 3 lAmCar foundry. SXH' SO 1 WMI IISHi OTtfrlAmrw Fdypl I HI 7 HI 7 Ul 7S 7KHI 31 Chain (a4i I 7.1 I 74 HI 71 'i 74 IRlil 7 HI Am Colortvne UHl I 4HI HH 3il SOH'AmCom Al 2H 7 I 2RHI 2A'i 32 I llHilAm Crystal (a.Mrl...l 27 27HI 2HI 27 101 i fin 'Am Or Suit 1 tHI Wl WH 7l iWIAm K.nre.nfip I 7Hl 7 Til 7HI 7H MI A HI Am ft for Pnwr I 7 Hi 7 Ml AOHl 2H Am ft Por Pnw $7 III. 37 11 33 35 23 ft For Pow fl pf 44 HI 4.114! 43 Ml 45H 22H! 12 lAm Kor Pow 2d 1BHI 20HI 1HI 1H 18 Mi Panhandle pf 60 161X161 ,61 4M! 4 Ml 4X1 4X ment in production and distribution. The report does not.

however; mention the contra-seasonal gain in commercial 7.M- 4HConaol Film Ind By J. G. Donley Special Dispatch. CopMriplit, 1936 New York, Dec. 28 The market closed generally lower, with trading rather quiet.

With the approach of the end of the period when selling may be done in the "regular way" to establish tax losses, such selling was a large factor in today's market. In the late dealings the motors were heavy, with Chrysler off over 3 points and General Motors down 1'4. Steels were heavy and the oils lost most of their early gains. Some of the aviations held fractional advances. Rails were lower.

Among the day's most aceive stocks were Consolidated Oil, Socony-Vacu-um. North American Aviation, Yellow 74 Hi 87 6HI 2X111110 Rub I 6X1 SM; SHl 6X 18MI 16HI 1B.H 30M! 15Hi''ons Film In.l pf (J2j 16 17X1 9H lnterlake Iron 17 i 17 XI lMi 23X1 WM I UHlConsol (jiundrlea 67 (Paraffine Cos (til 78 76 1 75 I 75 7X Paramount Pictures. I 22 21 22x1 22M 59 Paramount Pic 1st pf. .181 Mi 181 ,158 ilS8 SXIParamt 2nd pf 30Xi 31X1 30 Mi 30 SM Agriculture I 4X1 4's 4HI 4X I 16X1 I Hl i 15 Ml I 9X1 170 I 15 HI 15 HI 15 15H II HlConsol OH (tsoci loans, which is now featuring the weekly bank statements. That, too, is 47X1 221, I nt Agriculture pr 43X1 41 43 21X1 10 9 HI 10 12Hi ftHiCons It Cuba pf.

104 Harvest 37 Ml 35 I 34 I 34 I 34 41 99 9 7 1MI 1 I 1 1 I 1M HK ons Textile (d) an encouraging development of prime 11 rark a riirora 2XiPark Utah 1.99 100 I 99 I MI oft; 9 I 7 I 7Mi 7 10. Hi 2Hilnt llydro-EI A 5X1 '21 Ml 21 Ml 20X 20X 8 1 4 int Mer Marine 2H lftHit'ontalner Corp 85Ml lOHICont Baking A 17HI 17MI 17HI 17H SOMI 40Xl Parke Davis (alH). 21 HI 13 Hawull 30 Ml 31 HI 39 29 importance and fills out the pleasing picture. IS I lft I 14X1 14 15X1 13H lm Minos (a90c) I A HI "H1 "HI 4 32 Ml 23 IParker Kust-Pr (tlM) 3 Ml -1 HI 3HI 3H 4 lHiCont Baking 1) 84X1 64 Ml 61X 63X 4HHI 4SHi 4S I 48 88 Hi Nick Can (a.30) I 28MI 3X Int Paporft Pow I 109 87HCont Baking pf 1103 1101 .1 6AWI 80HI 64X1 Aft 18 .1 2H1 2 Hi 2 Hi 2H 10 4 MlParmelee Trans 1IM OHIPathe Film Corp 17M lOXII'atino Mines Wage Purchasing Power XHl Hide ft 31 HI 37 Am Home 4HI Ice 24 lHHIAm Ire pf I2i 13.HI i(Am Infernal 17 I 17 I 15X1 12 11 Ml l-HI 6 I 8 I 6MI HH 14M 2XHnt Paper Pow 87HI 67HiContlnentl (tl). 40 I 35MiCont Insur (tl .1 IS I IS IX 11 41 I 41 Ml 40X1 40 6H 8M lH Int Paper ft Pow Higher Than 1929 .1 18MI I "HI MH 3H lHiPeerloaa Corp 4 2HIContlnontal Motor I 2MI 3 I 2HI 2H 92MI 9JMi lHi 01X 98X1 20MInt Paper ft Pow 43 Ml 43 HI 44HI 44H 73 1 80 IPenick ft Ford 4X1 4 Ml 4Hi 4H 44X1 43X1 4.1X1 43X 27 I 2AMi 26H! 26X 6MI 6 HI 6 I 6 9X1 9X1 XI 14X1 14X1 14 i 14 3M 8 Ml 3 Ml 3H 61 61 Ml 81X 61 98 98X1 86 Xi 96 5X 5X1 5 i ft 7X 7MI 7X1 7X 64 85 I 64 I AS 21X 21X1 31Xi 31X 1:1 39X1 39 I 39X 48X1 48X1 48 Hi 48 4HI l.oeoniollyc.

44 I 44 HI 43HI 43H 44 I 28HContOil of Iel (alH). On two other points the summary is Truck. Packard, United Corporation. liiiMIni 112 107 lntrnat Ink pf (0) 112 Ml 69 IPenney (J C) Am Kocomotlyo 17MIH7MI117 M117M 27MI 37 HI 3AMI 26M 122 HI Aft 20 Ml 21 48 Oont Steel Corp (11. 69 Ml SftHlCorn Exchange (3).

11M -IXjlnt Rys of Am. 8MI 9 I 9 I 9 AX 3.X!Penn Coal ft co*ke International Telephone, Pure Oil, Ortninteed Products. General Motors, Am Maft Pdy 1-1 I hi hjii "ri I A3 I 63 I AIM! 61X I 53 I 52X1 52H 61 Ml 19XiInternat Rys A pf, 10MI 4MIPenn Dixie lAm Much ft 12 I UH UHI HH 15 I 1(1 I 67 Hi 68 HI 7 HI 67 K2M A3M(Jorn Prorl lt-1) rimmonwealth and Southern and 10 a Int Rys of A I 7M 7 Ml 7Hi 7M 74 I 28X'Penn Dixie pf A 54 Ml 27 lAm Metal. interesting. The statement is made that wholesale commodity prices are up 2.6 per cent, on the year, with agricultural products showing the largest gain and substantial advances in in 170 il70 170 170 170 1 158 Corn Prod Kef pf (7).

.1 A3 HI 3.1 HI 1 1120 1121) 1120 27 XI 17 IPenn Gl ctfstaSOc) Commercial Solvents. 7 Ml 4 Coty Inc I 5MI 5 Ml 5MI 5M ICraneCo I 4AX! 47 X' 47 7M I 28 26 HI 26 26 I 48X1 48Mi 48X1 48H I 31 I 31 Ml 31 HI 31 45 28 Penn (a2) 80 Ml 34 30 23 Internat Salt 53 Ml 47 Ilnternat Shoe 3ft 1 1 ilntcrnatlonal 93 50 Ilnternat Silver pftJ4.r 58 38 I Peoples Gas Cream of Wh (t2l 35M 38 36 36 37 Ml .15 36 Mi 18 I 88 I 89 1 88 I 88 dustrial raw materials, while, on the other hand, food prices have declined Crosloy Kalio (alH 1 '25 I 35 23HI 23M 48 Ml 3ft Pore Marquette 18 1 12H Petro Corp A 36 I 35X1 35X1 35X .1 16X1 17 Xi 17 I 17 19Xi llHUnternat Tel ft Tel I 11HI 11X1 HHI HH .1 ARi AH! BCHl ASH .1 11KI 11HI 11 HI HH KOMI 82 81HI 81H .1 AH Hi SH! 6K .1 24 HI 26 Hi 24 Hi 23 .1 34 HI I S4 1i 34 .1 32 I 32 Ml 32 I 32 23 Ml 33 HI 23MI 23 14 91 Mi ft 8 (a4 76M 7 49MI 44 CrOA 8 pf xw 47HI 47 liRhtly. Then with regard to wages 19HI lOXiPfeiffer Brewing (1.20). I 11 I 1 1 Ml 11 I 11 4AMI 47 37 10 HI Interstate St 32Xi 3.4X1 33 1 33X 22X1 lft ilutortype Corp (1) I8X1 WMi 19X1 19H 31H 24 Hi Island Crk Coal (2). 28X! 27 X1 27X 58X1 Dodge 65HI 55H! 53 H' 53H 18 17X1 17 17M 19M! Zellerbacb vtc 134 1121 lilAm Metal pf (A) AB I SAM1 Am Nkw, (3) 14MI 7H'Am Pow ft UkM 87 HI 41 lAm ft i pi 74HI PAL S5 pi 151...

27H lH'Am Radiator 37 I 2H Am Koll Mlllltt.30).. 8HI 31 Am Safety Bai 2Ki Am Seating 45 Hi SSHIAm Stiiihnlldln (2), 101 I M1H Am Smelt ft If 111.,. 8ft 7 lf (7 1. 101M1O4 Am 8 ft pf (6). 71HI Snuff (til 54 Hi 4ft HI "hlla Co uva Pf (3) 52 52 Hi 52 53 5AXI 28 ICruclble Steel the computation shows that hourly rates in manufacturing industries in September and October were the highest on record and that the purchasing I 53 53 61 61 122 HI 12.1 123 123 120 1113 Island Crk of 102 Hi SIHiPhilaCo pi (6) 98X1 98 98 98 13ft 95HICruclble Stl pf (14.73) 44 45 I 44 I 44 3Hi lX.Philaft Read ft 2HI 2 HI 2 HI 2H I 2HI 3 HI 3 HI 3X 93 Ml SSHIJewel Tea Co (Ml I 88 87 I 87 87 3 HI 'i Cuba Co 10 Hi Phil Kap Tr pf 13 1.1 13 I 13 I IS I 16 I 15 15 148HI 88 145 140Xll45 I145H 19 Hi 9 (-'uba ii pf .1 94 HI 4MI WW 0:1 I147 I149HU47 I14(H 107 101X1 06 iPhillip Morris ft Go (3).

71 I 71X1 7oXi 70X I 12 13MI 13X1 12H power of average weekly earnings of factory workers is now greater than ii pf (7. 128 124 121 1 121 14 Hi BHlCuban Am Su: Year-End Selling For Taxes Reported Stocks got off to a good star today end there was some display of strength In the early dealings, with the oils in the lead. Later the rails and aviations came along. But the good feeling did not last long. Offerings increased in the second and third hour, and only a selected few of the oils, coppers and aviations were able to hold part of their early gains.

It appeared that selling for year-end tax purposes was again going on, along with some evening up of commitments over the end of the year. In other cases, of stocks ro mskina flood use of the cheerful 132 1120 122 13,1 A3 H1 Cuban Am Siw 133 I 75XiJon)L7 16 I 7XPhillips Jones 1.1 13HI ISM1 13X SO Mi 38 Hi Phillips Pet (a2H) i 50.x! SOMI SO sox was in 1929. I 65 I A3 A3 39 3lMl 38 38 50 Hi 39 Kalamazoo St (tl) i 45Xi 4ft 45 45 44MI ash*t'udahy Pack (2H) 24 HI 16HiCurtis-Puhilshlns; si Ml f-H 57 HI 5ii The board's latest estimate on un 9 8Xi 8 Ml 8X A144I 20H'Am Steel Kdy (all. 18X1 1MI liXI 18X 1 1 1 1 112 1I2 112 11 HI aH hoenix Hosiery 17MI 8 iPierceOilpf .1 1 1 Pierce Petroleum 15Mi 15X 113 Ml 99H0(lrtis Pub pf (7) 109 HUI 104 104 AM, XI 6HI 6M employment puts the number at 000 workers, compared with slightly 4SH Sou pt ( 41Hl 43 1 43 41 38X1 17 iKaurman (tl.60).. 29MI 30 I 30 33X1 24M'Kayser (.1 ft Co) (alX)l 24MI 24H! 24 I 24 25 25 HI 24 24 16 Ml 3 28MI 2X1 3 9 HI 4 ICurtiss-Wright 37X1 28X Pillsbury Flour (1.60).

S3 I 53 I ft ii n-t 10 HI 2X1 38MI 18 I 12 Xi 28X1 28X 19MI 2JH! 19HI 10H 110 1 80 pf (t5H) illt) illti 110 21 HI lOHK'urtias-Wr A 8.1M! 43HiOutler Hammer less than 16.000,000 in the spring oi 1933. All such estimates are, of course, 16 14.1H107',' Am Steel pf (7) 3A Store (21 MM I 4jlAm Silitar Kif (21. 'f' 102 Hi 87 I Am Tobacco (31... ill! I skmIahi Tobacco (5). 150 ISA lAm Tolaceo pi (61 8.1 Ml 83X1 83 I 83 17X1 7XiPlttaliurgh Coal 13 7 Hi Pitts Screw (a52 28HI Wh A (alMI-l 21X1 22)l 31 Mi 21X 3H 94 9.JW 16X1 16 13MI 13 25 Ml 25 13 108 1108 108X1107 Daytm PlftLtpl (4M)-il07 84 17H Kelsey-H tl lal M)-l 19 I 19 1 1SHI 1X subject to a large margin, of error, 24 23 Pitts steel 24M 26 Ml flHl 5 il4 14A 102HilU2M 107 82 1U4H105 25Mi (t50c) 21MI 22X' 21H '21X 108 Ml 49 I Pittsburgh Steel pf.

which only a Government census can 109 108 109 1 107 S3 Ml 19Hli'lsel (tl) I 38MI 28 HI 38 Ml 28H 107 87 IKendall Co pf A 1AM 17 Ml WXi 3X1 3 Ml 3M 3H eliminate. is I NTflAm Type rnn 4 til lXIFitw Term Coal 9HI 3 Hi Pitts United 54i SAM Delaware Hudson 43H 41-H 42 42H 03 Ml (al.70).i BIHi BIHi tilMi AIM 3 HI 3X! 3 Ml 27- 1(H4IAm Water 25 I 25HI 24 24 SM To consolidate this recovery remainl 83 Ml 14 HI Delaware ft I 17Mi 17MI lHi 16M sentiment and optimistic forecasts for 24M 17X Keystone (21.,. I 19 19 18Hi 18H 112X1 58XIPItts United Corp pf 110 IllOXillOM'llOH 153 (128 Detrolt Edlaon (t-1) 147 148 148 148 the great problem of the Administras 7HI 3XKlnney (14 K) Co. 5 Ml 5 HI HI 5H 41 21 1 Pitts ft Va 31 HI 33 I 33 I 33 loswl 2H'Am Wka 1 pf U01 I101 1 101 IIHI 7 HI Am Woolen I HI 9H 70MI 3HiAm Woolen PI 4 84 HI I i Wrltlnn Pan 1 Ml Hi 1 Ml 1 81 I 30 jKlnney (OR) pf 46MI 47Mi 4AXI 7X 3 I IX Pittaon Co 11 Ml 4 Detroit Mack I 8MI 10 I 10 10 31 Hi 11 IDctroit Mack pf I 16MI 30 20 20 3X 3 Ml' 2MI 2M tion and to effect such consolidation while averting a dangerous inflation. 13 I 74XiKrosge llept St ,135 13ft 1 13ft 24 Xl 1937 to cash in on some ot tneir in' vestments.

Leading Motors Incline Lower UXiPlymouth Oil 12 iPoorftCoB 63 I 42 IDevoe Hay A AO 60Mi 60 I 60 24 Xi 26X1 25X1 25H 28X1 27X1 26X1 26X 28 32HI 20H Kn-ege (S S) (tl) I 28 28 Ml 28 7'. 29 10 I 4HIAm Writing pf 7H' 7 HI 7i4 7l 3 Hi Am 1, ft I 7 Ml 7 HI 7 7 40Mi 30HlI)lmonrI (tlH) I 32 32HI 31X1 31X 4ft 61 1 3a Kress (S Hi (tl) I 45MI 17 Hie Am Tob A 11X1 9 I 9X1 8X1 8H 4ft 1 45 23 21H Danger Of Reaction In Crains Foreseen 21 4AH 45 I 45 I 45 3X IIHIDIstlllers Co Seag I 27 37 Ml 27 I 27 95Hi 9.1 Hi DIM CSI. Pf ww (51 1 9.1HI 9.1 Mi 93 I 9.1 28 I 1UH, Kroger (UftB) (tl.6U).. 21X 50X1 32 'IjtcledeGaa pf I 40X1 IX! Porto Ric Am Tob 6XiPostal ft pf I 2X1 2 Ml 2 Ml 2X I 11 HI 11 10X1 10H 13X1 .1 5.1HI 4MI Hi 39 39 1 39 SO I 24 I Am Zinc LAS pr pf. 61MI 2S lAnaromla Co" 87 i 35 lAnaronda WcC ((2).

25 19 iDlxle Vortex (I H) 80 M' 30MI 2(M .,87 I 88 I 87 88 Steel 28X1 11 17 Xi 17 The advance in the grain marked 2AHi lSMiLamlM.Tt Co (2) I8H1 Trading volume in the first three hours was practically the same as last Thursday's showing in the like period. I 27 HI 27X1 27 27 61 HI 41Hll)ome Mines (t2) I 50HI 50 49MI 50 73X1 57 Mi Press Stl 2nd pf .1 18HI HHi 18H 17! 17X1 17X 72 I 72Xi 72 I 72X lSHi 12 il-ee Rubft lire 17X has now gone so far as to suggest the 2AHI ISH Anchor Cap (dtici 13 HI Strs IOMI lOM 1H 'Wi ft5X! Gam (tl.ftU).l 54', 64 3.1 5.11. 4ft Mi lSHil-ehigh Port 39 4.1 9 lAndi Copper .1 35 Hi 33 H1 83 33 (Ul 5 i 5 5 82HI 50H, Douglas Air I 68X1 7IHI 69(l 70.H 39 1 39X 2 Mi 2H 1(1 Hi 16 122 Mi 116 Hi Procter ft Cam pf 4 1 2 iLohlgh valley coal 1 2 HI 39M! 2X1 18 Ml 19 I 61 29 IDrester Mfg A 50 OO 60 SO 19 I Lehigh Valley Coal i Hi Hi 42H1 42HI 42H! 42H 1 108 1 108 Hi 107 Hi 107 IX! Duluth ft At I 1 I 1 1 I 1 oojl li-uo er .1 (T2.4U)... 48X1 48 Xi 47Xi 47X 111 Ser pf (ft) lion llOAllosviinfi'ti 18 I 18 22 8 HiLehigh Valley I 1SX probability of sharp reactions. At the close of the week wheat prices were at the highest since -1929 and about 35 pel cent above a year ago at this time Corn was up over 70 per cent, and rya more than 100 per cent.

8X1 4HIDunlUll lnternat I 7 Ml 7 Ml 'Ml 7M At the beginning of the fourth hour the Dow-Jones industrial average was down more than a quarter point, with the utilities oft somewhat more than an eighth and the rails a shade higher. The course of prices was irregularly lower in the fourth hour, with trading .1121 1 120 120 120 .1 AT, 7 A AH 00 ooniruuman vorp (i.oui.,, A44ti 65 A444 65 12.1X1 89 lltehnun Corp 184 133 Du Pont le (a6. 101. I174MI 174 .1 82 82 82 82 24HI 18 IPureOll I 20H 20X! 20 I 20H I 18Xl 11 Hi 18X1 18.X 21Xl 12 iLehn ft Fink (al XI- 7 3 A Paper 50 37 Urcher A of l4 pf (7). 7 HI ('Anniiiir of III 84 AAIArmour III pr pf (8).

A2HI 47 4IArmron (tl HI" 1SMI 7HArnold Conn 22 HI fi HArtloom Co. 27MI l3HiAM llry lood 118 91 X' Pure Oil 6 pf (6) 98 I 98 Ml 98 Ml 98 6.5 i 37H Lerner Stores (t2) 67 68MI 68X1 58 118 129 I)'J I'ont tie (ieb (A) 1114 13 134 134 116 illl HIDuquea 1st pf (51.. 1114 114 .1 89 Ml HI 51) Hi 59 .1 15 15Hi 13 HI 15H'-4jiu. irureuu D7) pi nil 1 lu 110 110 13 7 iLibby McN ft Lib (all. I 10 lOXi 10 I 10 Admitting all the bullish influences.

14M HHl 14HI 14H 20MI OHiPurlty Bakeries (MOci.i 18MI 18Xi 18H SOXl 47XIU1J-0 Ford Gl (a3.H)-.l 73Hi 74 I 70Xi 70X 12J, SHIEastern Roll Mills I 11MI UHI 11 Hi 11 these rise have discounted a good Jull in standard sections. 21 Hi 22HI 20HI 20 I 20 Xi 27 185 ilSA iBaatorn Kod (6) 172 172 172 172 31 HI 2ft Llfe Savor (ti.60) 26 Ml 27 deal of the change in the outlook. It is In the hiflh-nriced industrial section 10 .1102 ,100 IKK) I1U0 lift 97 I Liggett ft Myers (t4). .1104 104 14X1 OXIRadio Corporation I 10X HX 80 I 68HRadioCp 1 76H 78H 1A6 1152 IKast Kodak pf(0 jlA2 112 1102 IAro lry 4 1st (l A.o Hrv (1 2d of IllA I114MIU4HHI4.M 76 U6MI 97 XI Liggett A My (). .1104 Xl 106 40HI 28HKalon Mfg It2) I 3ftH 83 35 I 35 124 98 1 104 104 I105XH0A I 60 I 60 I S3 Ml 64 10X1 ft iKadlo Keith Orph 8 I 7X1 7X ABi "V-li! nil Harvester went ahead over a point and Johns-Manville did Jhe same.

Electrical eauinments were irregular. K8HI 59 lAteh ft 8.K A3 Ml 25XLlma Locomotive I ftl'HI 16 riHiKltlngon scblld I 13 I 19 I iz 1J undeniable also that a large speculative following has been attracted, all of which makes the market vulnerable, to adverse developments. 14X 64 103 1 103 Hi ll" HI 103 i .1 53 311 Link Belt It2) 55 47W 30 Electric Aut (t2. 40M! 39H 39', lo 76 7 Ml 14 34X1 41 I 4SXI 86 35 44 44 44 Ml 45 4AHI 32 HI Liquid Carb (2.60). 12MI 12X1 HXI 11.X 43 43 20 Sec 111 stk 14X1 14X1 sVSMI 28XIRaybestos-Mao (tl Hi) .1 34Xi 36X 50X1 35 Mi Reading (2) 40X1 41 I 60 I 39 I Reading 1st.

pf (2) I 48X 17 HI 10 IKIectnc Hoat 44 63 Chrvsler Motors lost over 2 points 41 31 Hi 31 .1 43 Ml 62 Hi .1 2X 31 HI 31 43 lLoew's Inc (t2) 61X1 83 65X 7H fiHIf-lw in (unci 5X1 5X1 SHI 5M 21MI 24 2.1 Hi 21 fter earlv strength, and General Mo- 48 73 73 73 73 2 Ml 2X1 2M 3M The most recent phase of the advance has been predicted on the war 8SMI Pow ft Light 87 29H Elec Pow ft Lt $6 100 I A5XReal Silk 97 85 I 85 57 57 I 2 Loft Inc 35 Ml Lone Star Cement(t2) 3XiLnng-Hell Lumber 61 tori dipped over a point. Steels came down to show fractional losses just 56 Xi 56 BHi 84 I 84 84 I 84 90 1 90H 80 I 89 3X 1 I 30 HI 6 Ml ex 6X 8 HI 94 HI 1 7 crisis in Europe, which conceivably might change for the better. A far aa IB Hi 30 8 HI OH! 15HI 15H 29 '-i 29 Hi oh 9 Ml 22 Xi 22 42 I 43.MI 41 HI 41 26X1 21XiLorillard (P) (tl.20). 22 I 22 5ft stor Hat 3X1 2MI' 2 18X1 18X1 18 Ml 22 221, 21 Mi 5X1 6 Ml 5Mi 4 Ml lXIRels (R) ft Co 24MI 12XIKeliable Stores 25 17 Hi Remington ltd 8 Xl 4 Reo Motor Car I 29 Xi 16Xl Republic Steel 18 21X 5X 29HI 32 El Paso lis Co (1.80)1 37 Hi 37 HI 151 140 ILorillard (P) pf (7) 142Mil41XiI43 I141X 3AXI 28 1HI 1H about all around. Revenue Freight 61 Ml 11 l)ulsiana Oil pf (dl 29 H'.

30 I 28 Hi 28 IMi KIk Horn coal (d) 1H! 'HI .1 9M! .1 87 I .1 7 Hi 88 89 I 28X 28X1 28X1 28 IX) 8 2ft 26M! 25 25 SO 20 ILouis ft (1.50). AHI lH F.Ik Horn Coal pf 6X 5Hi 5H 107 I (K)HIA(h ft 8 pf (51. 49 siHIAtUntte Cos (all. 35HI 2AHIAtlantlc Refllllnn (tl) 84 48 lAtlas Powder 30MI 14 lAtlas Tack (a75c) 54 26HAnbum Auto 7i 4 Hi Aviation Corp 11 Loco 4 29 Baldwin l.oco 9Hi 2H; Baldwin lx asw I 2Hi 15h Baltimore ft 41 Hi 21 lllaltlmore ft oliio pf. 4044'Bngft Aroos Ilk Ar P' l7- Miii, 21 iBarber lo 2 H.

13 Barker Hrn 23 Ml 14 HlBamsilall (HOci 22 Cimir (t7.Vi., s.l IS illeatrlee Cream ItH. 7 7 12S 77 IRepublic Stl pf 1112 112 112 .1 91 I 92 I 90X! 90X 102 HI Nash (aoi. 89 I 53HIEndioott-John (3). 5o 55H 55 55 20M! 31HI 20H 104Hl 78 RP Stl pr pt A 98 98X, 98 I 98 the German situation is concerned, there can be no doubt that the food shortage is real, but that does not mean necessarily that a collapse il near. Finally, the acreage planted in winter wheat in this country is the larcest 31 Hi 31 Ml 30 30 36 1 steel 16 7 HlEng Pu i Service 1ft lftXI 16 HI 15X Totals 729,696 Cars 38 10 Cop ft Br 37X1 38X1 37X1 37X .1 13 35 31 ,34 .1 41 40 I 40 I 40 S4X: 48M.15ng Pub Sv ift pf (JtO 70 I 70 70 70 in 4 HI a A 77 77 I 77 .1 3ft I 3.5 X1 35X1 3ft .1 42X1 43 Ml 42 Ml 42X 89HI 48 8 SX PfWW (Jllll 7ft I 75 I 75 I 7ft 42 I 33 IMacAnd ft Forb (t2 49X1 27 Mack Trucks (til.

AS XI 40HlMacy (R H) (21.... .1110 10H! Big (a20ci; 9HI 9H 98 I 95 95Xl 95X1 5 IIS 90 C4B Washington, Dec. 28 The Asso 53 HI 53 Xi 52 1 52 ,1 8ft 30Hi 35 Hi IS Hi 11 lErte It 14 1 I4.M 13 13' 13 HI SXiMailiaon i 14X1 lft I 14X1 lft on record, and, although crop condi 211 27 2A 2AH 27 HI 28 HI 27 i 34MI 16 IKrie 1st pf I 27 HI 2AHI 2AH 14 1 22 Reynolds Metals I 2A, 26Hi 25X1 21X 38XI2S IReynolds Spring I 31X1 31 30H' 30X ft7 1 34H Magma Copper S6 Ml S4HI 5ft Xl 85 29 IKrm lt 2nd pr I 2H -n TtK 6 Ml 9 lH -Manati 6MI 6Hi AH AOMI SO lteynoias too 68 I S6MI 85X1 66X lftHI 12 iEureka Vac CI 12H! 13 12Hi 12H .1 Hii lHHl 11 I 11 25 2 23 26 Ml 37X1 28 Xi 28X ueut iviig JHI Hi 24MI 24X 40H 23H trod (tl) 28HI 28HI 28X1 28.H 32 32 3.4 101 1101 nil iitm IBnat Cream pi 1102 101 lull ivoan UHI la (75 75 ciation of American Railroads reported today loadings of revenue freight for the week ended Saturday, December 19. totaled 729.896 cars. This was a decrease of 9.051 cars, or 12 per cent, compared with the preceding week; an increase of 129030, or 21.5 per compared with a year ami.

and an increase of 181.218, or 33.0 4H 4MI 4 Ml 4HIExch Buffet .1 4HI 8 HI 13X illl lll 110 83 Beech-Nut (t4) 11 ill illl IOMI SHiButiand Railroad SMI 8MI 8X1 8X 34 13MI 24 ft 10 3X1 SMI 3M1 3SH' 7XIManati Sugar pf I 57X1 32 Ml Manhattan El gtd (d). 23X1 11 Manhattan Kl MGfd) 24 17X Manhattan Shirt exl 2XlMaracailoOil Exp 12X 8HlMarlne Mid Co 3 HI 1H Market Street Ry 24 3M SHl 2H Fairbanks Co iul l.i Belding-Hem (11 13.M 13H HH 13H 21 I 30X1 20X1 20X 14 24 10 2M 4X a-iiil Aviat 2B.HI 20 I 33 HI 25H 49MI 27 ISareway Stores 43X1 43M 42 42 98 1 98 I Safeway Stores pf (5). 98 98M 97M 98 25 SH Falrbanka Co pf 70X1 84 Fairbanks Morse (tl). 13X1 24 4X 10 2X 37 19 Xi 10 71M 71 71 71 23UI 2(1 iBcneflciiU 22 I 22 HI 33 HI 32H 114 108 Safeway Strs pf (61... 1110X110 1110 1110 2X 2X 114M110Xl8afoway Stores pf ft).

IlllXlHl 111 Illl 69 31 rajanlo sugar co m. 27 XI Is 1-t Tr 45 I 18 Hi Market St Ky pr 37 Ml 56X1 57X1 87X1 57 2SMI 24X1 24X1 24X 98 37 Ml 37 72 -48 lllcst ft Co l2H). 02 Hi 02 7AH1 45 diet hit-hem St. 74)l 75HI 74 Hi 74 133Hil07H llctll Stl pi 7 (71 12S 127 Hi 127 Hi 127 per compared with two years ago. 19'- .1 20MI 20MI 2ft HI llHIMaran Field ft Co.

101 141 84 IKwl Lt ft Tr pf 60 I 22 St Joseph Lead 60 50Xl 49 50H 3M 1 XI 8 Louis Fr (d) I 2X1 3 I 2X1 2X 8MI 2Hst Louis Fr pf SM; 6Ml SXI 5X 9 Ml 9X1 9X 19HI 19H! 1H 19MI 1AM Both Steel pf ft (ll XI 8 Mi 8H 5 Ml 5H 5H 5H 4Xl 4 Hi 4 )4 4.H 39 Xi 39 I 39 13 I BH'Martln-l'arry 9 42 Hi 27HiMathlHaon Alk (Hj) ...1 39 70 I 41HiMay Uept St (3) 83 21MI (aftOc) I 14H 82 Hi 82 Ml 31 I 33 Hi S3H 12 7MI Mot 1T( 4(IC) 5 Til 3 I Fed Screw Works 8 I 3 Hi Fed Wat Servloo 46HI 20HiFl Dept St J.I I utjuts -tuuniw I lisal 1 10 10 63 I A3 Ml 62 37 I 18 St Louis 8juthw pf(d) 26 35 2 ft 20 i Aft I 4 23 HI 37 HI 83 HI 14X1 13 43 I 42 I 42 43 2.1 Hi 23 33 Treasury Reports 55X1 37XSchenley (t3) 44 44 1 23 IBIgclow Carp (tl). IS V(! Black A Decker 23C) 14H Blaw-Know lAHilloKing Airplane 40VHohn A ft (31 Ml', llou Ami A (aft 42X 10BM108XilO6 lllWX ftft 44 1jiMaytag pf WW (3) I 44X1 4SMI 43X1 4.1X USHilOAHIFed I) St cv pf (4HI-- 34 Ml 33 I 33 lOlXi 94Xi8chenley pf (SHl 94 xi 25 43 I 93 3 I 17 41 HI 411X1 40H 110Xil3 i.Maytag 1st pf 16) 49HI 38 iFidl-llty 1 (tl.20)..,. 45 4ft 44 44 91 2 Aim 81 HI 21 Hi 32 Hi 41 i irtHI 20 HI 77 7 Ml 3, Hi 4 1 M' schulte Ret Stores (d) 94 3X1 18 I 3X1 87 17 29 McCall (t2) 34X1 35 I 34 Ml 34X 80 HI 88 100 86HI 34H'Fln-t TAR (2) 33MI 3.1 HI MI 33 AHMI 40 IFirst Nat St 49MI 49MI 41X1 41X 20Ml 7 Mi Schulte Ret pf (d) I 18X1 17M 23Hl rlX'MeCrory Stores 19 10 19 19 Washington, lf. 28 (TlThe poiltlon Of the Treasury on lieceinbir 23: Ut-'-elpt. evpendlturen.

tfi.YIHI3.04tl S.V. halKnre. i4 1 enstnma receipts for the monlb. 2(1 Hi 77 Hi 35 75 Hi 75 8AMI 53 Xi Scott Paper (t2) 32l 24H, Borden ft (o (1.80).. i A4 illorg-Warner id 86X1 85 85 39 I 39' 49M! 38 H'Mclntyre 2) 39 I 39 38Ml 38X 1A I 18 118X1 8-XiMcKeesport TP(a5XI.

87 88Xi 87 187 7X1 7H 11 HI 8 iHoaton a Aiauie. ft Hi 1H Botany (d) 8 I 7X1 7M 14X1 SXiMcKeea ft Kobblns. .1 12X1 13 I 12X1 33 32H 45 I 30H Kdntkote Co (11 40Hi 40i 2fl 17 Flonmew Stone Co 16 18 I 32X1 35H Florsllelm Shoe A 31MI 32MI lOXi 3H Follansbee Bros (dl 7 7 Ml 48 I 32 1 Food Machine (1) 47M! 47MI 2 Xi Seaboard Air (d) 8Hi 2 Seaboard A pf 41 HI SOMISealioard 7MI 3XiSeagrave 86 I xl 7 I 41X1 7 HI 87 Ml liX 44 for the flf-al year (alnee 7 I 7 17 Hi 3 Hi 3H 17Xl 17 54 Hi 54 18 Hi 12 Bridgeport Hr ((40c) IHI 1 41 I ,7 I 7 49X1 37H McKeaaft Rob pf 45 Ml 44 Ml 44X 21HI HMlMcItellan 17X' 17.XI 17 17 47X1 47 5A 84 431, HrlgKS Mfg 3 HI ii 56 HI 4iX! 42 51 Ml 101 Ml 69 Ml Sean Roebuck 87 X' S3 Hi 83X 4i 1 42 108 ,101 IMelx-llan Strs pf 4S 48 44 Ml 34 Fostor WlitKM 1 41 4.1 Julv ll 82.110.8111.893.22: S3 421 31. Including 32 of espentllturea: ex-LL. $1.

310.227 .088 29 49 42 114.1 1 1 Hi 48 45 X' 28X1 13XiMod Corp 37X1 37 Ml 34X' 25X 41 Hi 41 AO 47 Brlggs Siratton (31. AOMl 41 Bristol Mye (42.401., 4tlH Brooklyn (41..., 1' 1.1 1 Sears Koebuck rts i. 93 I 61 XlSec Nat pf (J4.66).,, 31iil 15 Ml Serve! Inc (tl) 27 27 51 50 Hi 51 90X1 87X1 87X1 87X 37X1 2lMI 2S 1 28" ,1,1,1. an Increase 91 I SSX Melville Shoe (fft) I 82 ,81 1 79Mi 80 12 6 Mendel Co 1 11H 11, 10 ii 11 46 I 27 1 44 4 HI 47 HI 30 Fourth I (a3.3.3)i 4ft 3ft Ml 23 Freenort Tex (11 27 83HI 31H Fuller Co 2nd pf I 41 i 7 Mi Co A SVj! 41 X. 44 liii lui tui 101 IOA 32 Hi Steel (tl.20).

I 30X1 30HI 39HI 39H 10AXI 50 i.Mengel Co pf 1105 (105 105 of 72H 313 3n over the prevloua day g'd ai-l. U. 229.474.737 23 f. nipr 23. 1933 (com I o'ji ah AH 4 Ml 4X tTsicu-wip i.fimn lOMji 'UHI 10Hi 10.H 65 1 40l Mesta (alH).

60 AO 59M 69 I HI 4 Ml 34 Hi 34 97H itmomyn si i pr ini 4H Brooklyn ft giieena 3.1 Bklyn pt (t-1i 44 t'aa (3., 45 Brown Shoe (3 1 2 I 20 I 2A ,10 11 H'tauiewell Co .1 28 103 ot vii at iu pi HI ni AOH 61 "arable date lsl yean. $13,170,013,112: 15X1 SHiMlami Copper 15X1 15Mi 14HI 1H I 41 ,47 i 4(H, 411 1 10 ft UU jlOl lOft.MliOO jliannet Co cv pf jl 7.179.2(111 37 net balance, 12 HI HI S7 i 85 Hi 21 Hi 21 HI 30X1 17H Mid-Cont Pot (al.15).. I 29X 30 I 29 29M I 47 I 47 47 I 47 19X1 llHiShattuck (FG) (tftOci. 18X1 16X1 lXi 16X 38 llXi-Shell Union 38 XI 37X1 37 Hi 37 15 HI 15 XI 15 '3 customs receipts for the 41 HI Mil steel Prod (t2i 40 40 39 HI 39 1:1 1 12.H1 12M 19 30 21 21 Bmuawick-Balke Col. 19H! 20 8:.

Blicynia-Krle 21 Hi 21 uii lui 'sk iuj s. iiui HlH'lO iMId St Pr 1st pf (8), .1120 121X 15 HI 12 Hi 73 I 47 Ml 9 HI month. 23.33140( 24. Hendpta for Ihe llsral year. IV, U3.1 12: eanendlliires.

3, 14MI SH'siiver King 13X1 13X1 HMl 13X 71 I 72 I 72 17 Ml 17 I 17 112 Aft i.Mtnn-Honey (tlXb.l04M;103 103 103 HHBudd Mfg tl li I 12Hj 11 1-Ml 12H i5 48 HI iH -iimmons uo (al) 4ft 45X1 4ft 45H 120 111) IMlntl-Hou pf 120 120 120 Inciudlnir o( emergency tions leave much to be desired, they also may improve. Stricter Embargo On War Materials Expected Another element enters into, the longer term outlook for agricultural prices. The present neutrality law, enacted by the last Congress, expires May 1 and will have to be extended and probably supplemented at the session which opens next month. The chances are that the restrictions will be made more severe rjther than less. As it stands, exports of munitions art embargoed on the outbreak of war abroad, loans are prohibited and American citizens are warned to travel on belligerent ships only at their own risk.

Now there is talk of extending the embargo to war materials of all kinds, such as iron, steel, cotton and copper. Wheat is not mentioned, but it is said that some advocates of strictest neu trality would stop all exports of food, stuffs and clothing. Without arguing the advisability it thia course, the economic consequences are plain. Faced with the prospect ot being cut off from their sources o( supply, the tendency of importing nation will be to anticipate needa befors war comes and, in the meantime, to develop to the last possible degree home production. Both these processes are In evidence in Europe today.

Italy is buying heavily of wheat and Great Britain proposes to accumulate a year's supply of all foodstuffs. Germany has pushed the campaign for self-sufficiency to the breaking point. All these influences have been reflected in the wheat market Blow Would Fall Heavy On Cotton This whole situation would change over night if all these supplies were embargoed in an effort to maintain neutrality. Obviously, the blow to the cotton producers would be the heaviest, for while, at times, the United States can use at home all the wheat it produces, that never happens with cotton. It seems improbable that new legislation will go aa far as this, but it is certain that extreme neutrality would be cJ.

i on our own agriculture. 16 1 IftH'ar mc Ift'l Am Inv 7B 1 Am Tr ia.1) 20 I lOXien Baiting 11 Hi It'en llronie. 27Hi SXU'eneral Cable 68X1 17 lOenorai Cable A 128 X' 70Hiiotii-ral "a pf 59 Mi 50 ilieneral Cigar lift HI 85 IBuddMlgpf 1104 ilUDH-lOUH 10UH 14 SVBudd Wlwel 10 I 10 I 9H 9H,,.,,.,, Su 374 MI 9HI 9M 27 28 21) 12 Ml OX Minn Mot Pow 10X1 10 9X1 9X xnemlitures excess 01 extiellilllun-s. 27 44X1 19Xl8kelly Oil 44X1 4JSMI 44HI 4AH ai 7 9fi1 -2H4 23: irross debt. 84 Mi 84 I 84 34 HI 30 Bullard Co (alHl I 3 HI 83 Hi 83 HI 82 I 58 58 Hi 57X1 67X 87 67HMlnn Mol Imp pf (t3).

87 I 6X 2H Minn St I' A 3H gold assets, 133 I pf (6) 98MIUWM 99MllO0X Otl. Uln UkU. I.n,. 3941 UHitlulova Watch I 53 53HI -1 I 53 1 133 Mi 133 Mi 133 Mi 133 f4j 3 Ml 3X1 3X 4X1 4X1 4X wrumwia cv ii iiu 1110 iliu 5 4Hl 25 Hurt Ad Much 31 HI 83 Ml 31 HI 3I.H 72 1 40X1 Smith 28 I 49X1 49 49X1 49 152 1 1 5(1 150.X ISO AH! 2X Mmn St Paiil 29HI lUXiMiasion Corp 9X1 5H Missouri ft 1 37 27 AMI 7 Hi 7 132 ,110 ideneral Cigar pf (7). 30 Ml 21 i Snider Pack Co.

I 61 50 48X1 49 29Xl 30 29 I 29 I 16 I 18 XI 15 Ml 18 14 I 14 Hi 11 Hi 13V Cold And Silver 9 i 2 Hush Terminal (di i lAHl 7HiButler Hros I 33 Hi 29H Butler Bros 28 I AMI 24 H' 2X1 Mil, 53 Hi 52 A2 J3Hi 34Ml(lro Klec (tl). 8X1 25 I 3 I 6X1 6X 24HI 24X 3X1 8X 29 HI 3 Hi 39 Hi 29 44 33H)(b-n Fowl Cor (tl.sJi. i 39HI 39H 38 38 SHl HI 5H 4MI 4X1 4 Ml 4M I 81X1 32X1 SIXi 32H 3 Ml 2HI 2Mi 2M -I'll (1ft tiee. 28 ID. 6 Ml 6H AMI AH 27 .1 27 A Hi 't Biitt ft (a.ic 29 i 18 Kyers (A Ml 88 HI M.H'Byera (A M) pf.

i 60'i 80 HI 60 (Ml New York Bar silver firm. hiclier I 29HI 29MI 28X1 28 70 Hi 58 tien Mills (3) 77 63H lien Motor )a4 Hi. 32 HI 3.4 I 3.1 I 33 85 .1 S4L, than Thiirsdny. December 24. at 28 28H, So 83 28 HI 38 Hi 48HI 48H: 98 Hi "I 98X1 98 31 I 66 Ml 67 HI 84X1 65 MXl 15.Xl 14X 14 68 I 57 1 56 65 JH( 2 HI 42 23 Hi 34 Ml 23 Hi 23 31 HI 48 HI T.onilnn Bar silver 8rm.

A higher at OftHI 58 Hi 51Hi 54 2X1 2X1 IV 2 4(1 17 Ml 12XIicony-Vac (a70c) 7MI 8Xl8outb Am 35 Ml 26 1 So Rico Sua 33 Ml 35 8ou Cal EdlsonluXK 47 HI 33 Southern Pacific 36 Ml 64 Hi 19 I Southern Railway HMl 6X Spaldlnt (A G) 82 I (A G) 1st pt' 9Hi 6XSparks Wlthlugton 38X1 89X, Spencer Kelloggll AUI. 24 Ml IS Sperry Corp vu 37 1 ISHiSiilcer Mfg (a3) 33 Ml 33 i By run Jack Itll I 4HI Pack 3 Caiialuvn Zinc A 1AHI A I'aJ ft 49 I1il. tsterllug prh-e equivalent to 40,91 4M 4H 4H 2 HI 2H 2H 62 15 Hi 15 Hi 15 4WHI oH' 49 HI 10 10X1 9Xl 74 74 Ml 74 Ml 8X1 8Ml 7Xl 33X 34 I 34 cents). Bar gold remained uunchanged at 141s 9X 74 7X 41 Ml 43M 43Xi 42 66 1 63 85X1 85X IMI IX, 1 HI I'M IS S3 34 52X 52 1 62 4H, 4 I 4M 4ft 1 43 43 84 31 Hi 27 Hi 28 Hi 40 Hi 30 Campbell A (tl). 29 I 1(IH Cauaila 1 i Ale IRIPriinK

37 HI 27 34 36 Hi 35 Ml 35 HI 35 4 Mi 44 70 I 79 i 311 14 14' 21X1 21X1 20 Montreal Silver futures closed firm 21X 70 I 79 I 70 SO Mi 80 1 80 22 Ml 22 22 Hi 22 35 I 35 Ml 35 3oX 61 Al 30 23 til 4(1 points higher Sales. 4 contracts. 30X1 30X1 30 10 I ll) Canadian Pacific i 14 I ASM! 37 Cannon Mills 4i A3 18 Mi l2Mapitl AU A I ft Hi 63 Ad pf A (31.. i 32 31H; 29X 29M 14 A3 15 7H' 63H! 4 ispicer pr A 51 Hi S1XI 61 I 51 97Hi 98 I 96H! 98 lft 15 52 1 52 15H'i Gen Outdoor Adv 69.HI 18H Gen Outdoor Adv 6Hi 3H lien Pub 53 82 Gen By Signal 111 4X 2 Gen Real I tllltiea. 48 I 2AH Gen Real pf WW I 70 I 33 Gen Refract; 89 I 32 Gen Steel Cast pf 1 11 17 Gen Tliea K-i 18 Ml HHiGHIelte saf Ra.

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The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.