To Doc Holliday: 'How do we build ... community?' (2024)

To Doc Holliday: 'How do we build ... community?' (1)

When Frederick Douglass Holliday left his superintendentof York City Schools post in 1981 for a top schools post inPlainfield, N.J., he was a veteran and effective school administrator.

He had arrived inYork schools in 1974, and his seven-year tenure is long compared to most of his successors in the city school system.

"His main concern was the welfare of children," a school board president under his reign said. "But he wanted children not only to learn reading, writing and arithmetic, but to learn to be responsible and have respect for themselves and others."

He later moved to head Cleveland schools, where he died in 1985. Hisdeath,ruled a suicide, was mournedin York, and his life and workwas memorialized in a community service.

Robert L. Simpson, executive director of Crispus Attucks Community Center, was among those deeply affected. FrederickHolliday was his friend and mentor.

So Bobby Simpson wrote a privateletter to Doc Holliday upon his death.

The letter, titled "The suicide continues," wasframed and hangs todayin Crispus Attucks'atrium, along with an insightful Holliday speech delivered to the organization 10 years before.

He began his letter, appearingbelowin Crispus Attucks' 85th year,"Dear Doc."

Here is that letter:

"On Sunday, there was a memorial for you at your church, St. John’s Episcopal Church. Many of your friends were there – JohnKrout, HelenRohrbaugh, CarlNeu, Rev. Ben Griffin and I. We spoke briefly of our acquaintance with you. I didn’t have enough time to say all the things I would have liked to have said about you. So I am writing this letter.

"Doc, I would have liked to speak about the problems you and I used to share. Do you remember when we spoke about retiring and moving back to York because York is your home? Well I wish you would have done that, I really do – we miss you.

"You spoke about all the untapped resources and the growth that could take place here. The many business opportunities that were here for Black people. All we had to do was reach out and try and not be afraid of failure.

Crispus Attucks: A treasure of African-American art in York

"Do you remember how we used to compare the problems of Black people with those of the Jewish people? And you would say after all the Jewish people have been through, and they still stick together and grew and prospered. You also said that after all we’ve been through if we had done the same thing we also could have grown and prospered.

"Do you remember in your office you said if we could ever forge all the prominent Black organizations and churches together there would be no limit to what we could do in York?

"Well Doc, that almost happened, but we failed. We formed a coalition with the Elks, Legion, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and theCrispusAttucks Association. We were trying to work on the problems that confronted the Black community. We were making progress at first. Then slowly it began to fall apart.

"We sent letters to the BlackMinisteriuminviting them to a breakfast so we could discuss what the coalition was all about. Out of all the invitations only two responded – Rev. Wilford and Rev. Spivey.

"Doc you won’t believe what happened next. No, I take that back, you will believe what happened next. The Elks dropped out first, said they could not afford to be in the coalition.Delta Sigma – one of their members got mad at me so their group dropped out and no longer attended the meetings. The Legion Commander got mad at me, so they dropped out.

"When they read this letter, they are going to be mad at me again. They’re going to say I had no business airing our dirty linen in public. Maybe they’re right.

"But if after they read this letter and it jolts them to the point that they realize that Black people have a problem in York, it will never be solved if we don’t discuss it. So in that sense I don’t mind being a sacrificial lamb if the end justifies the means.

"By the way Doc, at your memorial service, I spoke about your 1975 speech that you made at theCrispusAttucks Annual Dinner. If you remember, you got a standing ovation. Doc, you said people who hate themselves carry marks of oppression. You said thattheoppressed behave in such a way as to make true what is said about them, and the prophecy of poor self-human worth is fulfilled. Doc, in your speech you said that the mark of oppression appears to be uponCrispusAttucks Association.

"You said that although it is one of the finest facilities in the city, it bears a yoke of oppression and you gave some examples. You said to beware for there are some Blacks who will want to take and never give. Doc, I could not agree with you more.

"One good example is that there are people in York that spend their money in all the other institutions in York, but when they want something free or want to use our building at a discount fee they come to us. When I refuse to give it to them, they get mad at me and tell me it is a community organization and that we’re supposed to let the community use it. That’s true, but go to the places where you spend your money and tell them to give you their place for free or at a discount.

"Doc, you have been accused of not wanting to be involved in the Black community. What manyYorkers do not know is that you were a member ofCrispusAttucks the seven years you were in York. You said to me, I may never have the opportunity to use my membership, but I always want to be a part ofCrispusAttucks.

"Doc, I very much appreciated that. It has always stuck with me even to this day, which reminds me, there are people in York who have lived here all their lives and never ever set foot in our building.

"There are still good people in York. Our membership has grown and we have excellent members and supporters. And with their help Doc, we are going to fulfill the dream you had for Black people uplifting themselves.

"Doc, you also said in your speech what the system does to the oppressed. It’s simple, we rip one another off. We can change this by building a sense of community. However, no one got beyond that statement. How do we build a sense of community?

"Well Doc, just want to say, we atCrispusAttucks took heed to your message. With the help of many, the association has begun to address what you mentioned.

"Doc, I know this letter is long, but there is so much I wanted to say to you and never took the time.

"Before I forget, a kind lady sent in a contribution of $100 in memory of you. She said you were always speaking aboutCrispusAttucks and that we were dear to you. I really appreciate that, Doc.

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"At your memorial you would have been proud to hear Helen, Carl, Ben, John and the ministers speak about the relationship they had with you. What they said came from the heart.

"Doc, after I learned of your passing, I was hurt and angered. Angry at you because you could have come back home where you were wanted.

"But aftera whileI began to smile. I smiled because I was happy. Happy in the fact that I took the time to know and to talk with you. Happy for I had the opportunity (as did many others) to work with a genius.

"In closing Doc, we love you. And may you forget Cleveland and rest in peace.

"P.S. If by chance, the newspaper can’t print this letter – that is okay for I know you have already read it. I felt your presence over my shoulder while I was writing."

To Doc Holliday: 'How do we build ... community?' (2)

City schools Supt. Doc Holliday's memorable speech

To Doc Holliday: 'How do we build ... community?' (2024)


What was Doc Holliday wanted for? ›

On May 12, 1874, Holliday and 12 others were indicted in Dallas for illegal gambling. He was arrested in Dallas in January 1875 after trading gunfire with a saloon keeper, Charles Austin, but no one was injured and he was found not guilty.

What was Doc Holliday last words? ›

"This is funny" were supposedly Doc Holliday's real last words, expressing a wry irony about dying barefoot and overheard by a nurse. "This is funny" are the last words of Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday in Tombstone, and there's a good reason he finds things so amusing.

What kind of person was Doc Holliday? ›

Doc Holliday was a gambler, vagabond, gentleman, and gunfighter. A friend to Wyatt Earp, he was deputized in Tombstone, Arizona, before the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Was Doc Holliday a hero or a villain? ›

Wyatt Earp is Tombstone's main character, but Doc Holliday is its hero – at least to me.

What impact did Doc Holliday have? ›

A dentist by trade, Doc Holliday became an icon of the American West and was close friends with fellow gunslinger Wyatt Earp. They were the two most famous faces in what is regarded as the most legendary battle of the West: the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, which cemented Holliday's status as a legend.

Why did Doc Holliday laugh when he died? ›

Kight shows me an exposed beam that is all that remains of the Hotel Glenwood, where just before breathing his last, Doc is said to have uttered “This is funny”—his amusem*nt springing from a glimpse of his bare feet and the realization that he would not die with his boots on during a gunfight.

Did Doc Holliday fall in love with his cousin? ›

Doc was in love with his cousin Mattie Holliday, and though she became a nun, the two corresponded throughout their lives.

Why did they call him Doc Holliday? ›

In fact, Doc Holliday got his name because he was a trained dentist, and while he is best known for his feats as a gambler and gunman, his reputation in the Old West was also built up by his early career as a dentist.

What is Doc Holliday remembered for? ›

Georgia native Doc Holliday, a noted gambler and gunman of the Old West, or Wild West, became famous for his role at the O.K. Corral gunfight in Tombstone, Arizona, in 1881, and for his lifelong friendship with Wyatt Earp.

Was Doc Holliday intelligent? ›

Young Holliday was considered very intelligent and excelled in his studies. In 1872 at the age of 20, Holliday received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in Philadelphia.

Who was the fastest gunslinger in the Old West? ›

Quick draw and hip shooting were rare skills in the West, and only a handful of historically known gunslingers were known to be fast, such as Luke Short, John Wesley Hardin, and Wild Bill Hickok.

Did Doc Holliday ever get married? ›

During that period he gained a reputation as a drinker, fighter, and killer; he also probably married one Kate Elder. Holliday had befriended Wyatt Earp in Dodge City and, when in Tombstone, joined the Earp brothers in the celebrated gunfight at the O.K. Corral against the Clanton gang.

Why was Doc Holliday always sweating? ›

The reason why Doc Holliday was sweating so much in Tombstone was that, at the time the film was set, he was suffering from tuberculosis. When Earp first reunites with his long-time friend Holliday, Holliday is seeking refuge in the dry climate of Arizona to combat his worsening tuberculosis.

Did Doc Holliday fight in the Civil War? ›

Although John Henry “Doc” Holliday grew up in Georgia during the Civil War as the son of a Confederate officer, the closest he got to the action himself was seeing troops marching through his hometown of Griffin, location of two Confederate training camps.

How did Doc Holliday lose his immortality? ›

In his time in Purgatory, Doc has gone to hell and back for the Earp sisters, at one point even losing his immortality. He ended up selling his soul and becoming a vampire, but that turn of events helped him save Wynonna from Bulshar's poison.

Why did Doc Holliday go to Tombstone? ›

John Henry “Doc” Holliday was a dentist who suffered from tuberculosis. He moved to Tombstone, Arizona for its dry climate. There, he became a fierce gambler, befriended Wyatt Earp, and was involved in one the west's most notorious shootouts—the OK Corral.


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